Saturday, September 21

Putin warns that the US and UK have practically 'declared war' on Russia which has lost 10,000 soldiers in Ukraine

Putin se mostró enfurecido frente a los medios estatales rusos.
Putin was furious in front of the Russian state media.

Photo: ALEXEY NIKOLSKY / AFP / Getty Images

The Russian President Vladimir Putin was furious because the sanctions imposed by the West

to Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine are almost a “declaration of war”.

Putin was furious as Moscow finds itself increasingly isolated on the world stage, while Russia faces new sanctions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that Western sanctions on Russia were akin to a declaration of war and warned that any attempt to impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine would be tantamount to entering the conflict.— CGTN America (@cgtnamerica) March 5, 2022

While the Kremlin shows itself economically beaten at home, Putin’s forces are also defeated in the Ukraine.

Kiev claimed today that his troops have killed or captured more than 10, 000 Russians, along with the explosion of 269 tanks, 945 armored vehicles and 79 airplanes and helicopters.

Russian state media reported on Putin’s comments, as the Russian invasion continues its bloody fight against a valiant resistance.

“These sanctions that are being introduced are similar to a declaration of war,” Putin said.

Russia has repeatedly raised the specter of war with the West, with Putin’s top diplomat warning this week that World War III would be “nuclear and destructive.”

Putin once again defended his invasion on the grounds that Ukraine should be “demilitarized” and “denazified”.

Putin also said that Moscow would consider any country trying to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine to join the war.

“Any movement in this direction will be considered by us as participation in an armed conflict by that country,” Putin said.

NATO and Western officials have repeatedly insisted that they will not take such measures, despite pressure from Kiev.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had told his allies that the lack of an exclusion zone was shedding blood on the hands of the West.

In a bitter speech on Friday night, he renewed his call and told NATO that “all the people who die from this day on will also die because of you.”

However, the defensive alliance has refused to do so for fear that it will provoke an all-out war with Russia, which possesses nuclear weapons.

The invasion of Russia continues to advance, including the violation of a ceasefire to bomb civilians in Mariupol.

Ukrainian authorities expected to evacuate some 200,000 civilians.

“ The Russians continue to bombard us and use artillery. It’s crazy”, said the deputy mayor of Mariupol, Serhiy Orlov.

“There is no ceasefire in Mariupol and there is no ceasefire fire along the route. Our civilians are ready to escape, but they cannot escape under the shelling”.

Moscow blamed the Ukrainian “nationalists” for the rupture of the the fire.

Mariupol has been one of the most brutalized war cities as the Russians blockaded it and cut off food, water, heating and transportation.

Kiev is believed to remain the main target of the Russians and a massive convoy of armored vehicles has been lying in wait, apparently preparing for a prolonged siege.

However, mystery surrounds the so-called “Death Convoy”, as it hasn’t made any significant progress for days.

Russian forces are believed to be increasingly demoralized, with captured troops seen crying for their mothers.

Ukraine, despite your challenge, be in facing a humanitarian crisis with more than a million refugees fleeing the devastating war. President Zelenskyy, who has remained in a bunker in Ukraine dodging assassination attempts, has called for a face-to-face meeting with Putin to try to end the destruction.

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