Sunday, September 22

Suspect arrested in slaying of three Mexican cousins ​​in Phoenix

Arrestan a sospechoso del asesinato de tres primos mexicanos en Phoenix

Photo: Tony Webster, CC BY-SA 4.0 / Wikimedia Commons


By: EFE Updated 05 Sea 2022, 0: 32 am EST

TUCSON, Arizona – Authorities in Arizona reported Thursday the arrest of a suspect of being involved in the murder of three Mexican migrants whose bodies were found in a vacant lot in Phoenix.

The suspect was identified as Juan Vargas, of 28 year old.

According to his arrest record, the man could face three counts of homicide, two counts of kidnapping and one count of assault.

The Phoenix Police Department said that at this time it cannot reveal more information about the role that Vargas may have had in the death of the three Oaxacans.

Last 20 February , the lifeless bodies of Herminio Pérez Ramírez, aged 28 years old; Isauro Martínez Domínguez, from 28, and Abimael Jiménez Morelos, from 16, were found in the Estrella Village neighborhood in Phoenix.

Authorities reported that the bodies showed “obvious signs of trauma”.

The case has caused great commotion on both sides of the border. Even the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, indicated that the Mexican government has demanded a thorough investigation to rule out that the migrants have been tortured and murdered by United States authorities.

The police department said that it is carrying out an intense investigation in this case and that several people have been questioned about it.

There is still no date for Vargas, who is being held in a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) jail, to appear in court.

Activists have flooded social networks asking for justice and for the case to be thoroughly investigated.

The relatives of the deceased are currently raising funds to transfer the bodies back to Mexico.

It may interest you:

– Consulate of Mexico in the US demands details about the death of a Mexican immigrant in Arizona

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