Wednesday, September 25

The 5 most dramatic women of the Zodiac

Las mujeres más dramáticas del zodiaco suelen ser emocionales.
The most dramatic women of the zodiac tend to be emotional.

Photo: Elijah O’Donnell / Pexels

Women who are Gemini, Cancer Leo, Scorpio and Pisces are cataloged by astrologers as the most dramatic of the zodiac because they live their day to day as if they were starring in a soap opera.

Their tendency to be emotional, sensitive, passionate and sometimes impulsive, places them in this ranking. According to a review by BestLife, in which the opinion of various astrologers was taken into account, these zodiac signs are the most likely to “exaggerate” situations and become “theatrical” beings.

If you know a woman who always gets caught up in the drama, maybe she belongs to this zodiac group.


Those who were born from 21 of May to June 20 are women who nurture their dual personalities with emotions. They are not usually sensitive, but they do navigate to the extremes and as they like to communicate what they think, there are times when they do it in a very exaggerated way.


Women born of the 21 June to 20 July are known for his soft heart. They tend to be spiteful and protective of those they care about. They place a high value on friendship and affection, so if they are hurt, cheated on or criticized, their reaction is usually too dramatic. Although there will be times when it deserves it, it becomes very “theatrical” even for the smallest thing.


Women whose birthday is 21 from July to 21 in August are the most dramatic of the zodiac due to their eagerness to leadership. Their reactions are like those of a wounded lioness, so they want to attract attention by putting on a show worthy of a soap opera ending.


Those who were born from 23 from October to 22 in November are passionate women whose reactions are usually very leading. They tend to have an aggressive temperament, which is usually what causes them to be extremely dramatic.


The women who were born from the 19 from February to 20 in March, although they are sweet and empathetic, they love being the center of attention, which they usually do by causing drama. Pisceans are a rollercoaster of emotions, sometimes they are totally happy and two seconds later they are very sad. This is because they are very emotional and always need someone to vent to.

Te You may be interested in: The 5 women of the Zodiac who are very easily offended