Wednesday, September 25

13-year-old girl was sexually abused by a man she met through an online game

By: Real America News Updated 04 Sea 2022, 14: 07 pm EST

Harold Graham aged 33 was arrested by the Clayton Police, while he was working in a restaurant, after rescuing from his house a minor he was holding captive

who he met through the Roblox online video game.

The investigations of the authorities describe that they met on February 18 and two days later, the accused convinced the girl to run away from her home in Kansas to go with him to Georgia. The minor remained at Graham’s house for several days until she was able to access the computer from his captor to notify his mother that he was in Clayton.

Police officer John Ivey described to FOX news 32, that the girl told Graham’s roommate that she already wanted to go home. The partner always he thought the girl was his stepdaughter, but when she found out the truth she confronted him.

The County authorities were able to rescue the minor, who confessed that the man had sexually abused her on many occasions

. The young woman is already with her family at her home in Topeka.

Officer Ivey warned parents to be aware of their children when they use these video games in line, because they are not always talking to other children, in most cases they are adults who only deceive them and take advantage of them


“We are extremely lucky to find this young woman alive, to be completely honest,” Officer Ivey told the news.

Harold Graham faces serious charges: sex trafficking, rape and kidnapping, additionally he has more legal charges against him that he will have to pay in Kansas.

The company that has the Roblox game learned of this fact and sent a statement in which it shared its dismay at what happened to the girl. “We were very saddened to hear about this case, there is nothing more important to parents, including those of Roblox, than ensuring that children are safe.”

The company explained that they have strict security systems to prevent manipulation of the platform, they block inappropriate content, in the game they can eliminate unwanted people. The company praised its zero tolerance for sexual abuse against children.

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