Thursday, September 26

Woman arrested for furiously attacking Richmond family at drive-thru restaurant

By: Real America News Updated 04 Sea 2022, 12: 31 pm EST

A woman of Latin origin, who did not want to reveal her name, took her two children for a hamburger because they planned to spend a day with the family, but during the time waiting in line at the drive thru, they were victims of the anger of a female driver who hit them. The woman was identified days later and taken into custody by Richmond police.

Bay Point resident Rhyan Hodge was identified through the video and photographic material that the County police distributed after the attack against the Hispanic family. The 23 year old woman was arrested and charged with two counts of crimes felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon, two counts of felony child endangerment, one count of felony assault, and one count of felony leaving the scene of an accident.

The accident occurred last February, when the family was in the drive thru line of a hamburger restaurant on 23rd Street and MacDonald Avenue in Richmond, a furious driver yelled at him from the window of her car: “you would never have cut yourself, you damn bitch!”


The angry woman was not satisfied and got out of her vehicle to throw a series of objects at the mother’s window,

who began to record the act of violence and try to calm his two children, ages 5 and 3, who were inside the truck he was driving.

“There are children on board!” expressed the mother in the video she provided to ABC 7 news. The two children were very scared and crying because of what was happening.

Not satisfied with the insults that she had done to her, knowing that minors were listening to her, she got into her vehicle to crash into the back of the truck . “Oh my God!” the mother yelled and got out to face her.

The accident became more violent, when the victim was claiming him, Hodge accelerated his car and she was left on the chest, in spite of everything she kept moving until the body flew to the ground, even in those conditions, the aggressor hit the mother in the face several times.

Richmond police located Hodge to arrest her for serious crimes she committed and she is locked up in jail while her sentence is being handed down.

The family is now more stable from the physical injuries, but the victim assures that her two children continue to have nightmares about the unpleasant moment they experienced that afternoon .

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