Friday, September 20

Ángela vs. Leonardo Aguilar make a 'competition' Who sings better?

Megan Negrete

The descendants of the Aguilar Dynasty show that their talent is born and social networks have witnessed it, proof of this is Leonardo and Ángela Aguilar who have shown not only to be heirs to a great surname but also to great vocal quality and artistic gifts.

And it’s not for nothing, Ángela Aguilar is considered “The Princess of the Mexican regional” and it is that her great interpretation of Mexican music has managed to reach the new generations.

Although her brother Leonardo has not reached the fame that Angela currently enjoys, his talent is indisputable, even recently, his father Pepe Aguilar revealed that his son is the best of the composers in his family.

A video circulates on social networks in which it can be seen that Ángela and Leonardo are very close and have a great sibling relationship, however, as in all families there are fights between siblings and even among them they have competitions between them.

But unlike other brothers in which the competition consists of who runs the fastest or whatever, the Aguilar brothers compete for who can do the best falsetto and who can hold the note for as long as possible and without being out of tune.

In said video you can see Ángela and Leonardo in what seems to be a family reunion where they are entertained with a band and norteño, there the children by Pepe Aguilar interpret the song “Tragos amargos” who made Ramón Ayala famous.

There in said interpretation, Leonardo and Ángela improvised a falsetto which does not work in the original version, but they interpreted it amazingly and held a few 26 seconds without detune.

Pepe Aguilar recognizes Leo’s talent that Angela doesn’t have

In a press conference, the patriarch of the Aguilar Dynasty announced that his son, Leonardo, had a talent that no one else had exploited in his family, and it was about the composition, because according to Pepe, Leo is very good when creating songs, and even highlighted that he was better than him at times.

And it is that for “Ventaneando”, Ángela herself confessed that she had several compositions, and even announced that she would have given her melodies to an interpreter without disclosing the name of the famous.

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