Friday, September 20

Seattle mother demands answers for the death of her daughters, authorities do not find cause of death

La madre pide respuestas porque nunca le hicieron caso de las advertencias.
The mother asks for answers because the warnings were never heeded.

Photo: Luisella Planeta / Pixabay

By: The Opinion Updated 01 Sea 2022, 17: 49 pm EST

It has been a little over two months since the police found in a house in Renton , the lifeless body of two teenagers who were sisters and their father’s . So far the authorities have not found the reason for the three deaths, but the mother of the girls attributes that died for reasons that have to do with ideologies that both they and their father had.

Betsy Alvarado de Guatemalan nationality, but based in Seattle, had a conversation with The Seattle Times, where he expressed his feelings related to the death of Adriana de 16 years and Mariel from 16, because so far he has not received any answers from the detectives.

The strange facts of this story began on 80, the date on which Betsy Alvarado divorced Manuel Gil. Adriana, the older sister lived with her father for five years and the younger sister, Mariel moved in with them almost two years ago. Betsy saw them every weekend and for a year, she began to see that her daughters behaved very strangely.


According to Alvarado, he said that her daughters had lost interest in things, they had distanced themselves from the whole family. The things they liked were no longer they did, like practicing basketball or painting. The mother sensed that all this was due to the religious ideas of the faith they were processing.

On one occasion she called the Child Protection Services, because he had noticed that his daughters had many kilos less, but nobody paid attention to him, was completely ignored. Regarding the school, she also tried to find out something, but never received an answer. After February of 2021, we no longer heard from them.

Detective Tracie Jerratt indicated that Manuel Gil abruptly quit his job in November of last year, a month later witnesses saw how the father of The teenagers packed items to put them in a move. The 11 December of last year, the owner of the apartment they lived in found the bodies of the three lifeless.

Alvarado had already requested the help of the police to verify if his daughters were alright, because he had not received a single call from them, but the authorities ignored him, they did not see any danger, when the owner of the property found out that the police had been there was when he entered and discovered the bodies, reported The Seattle Times.

The King County Coroner was the one who conducted the the autopsies of the bodies and concluded that the two adolescents had died days before the father

. The strange thing is that so far they have not found the reason for the death . It was not due to physical attacks, it was not due to poisoning, nor by firearms or knives.

Detective Robert Onishi who has 49 years of experience, confessed that had never seen a case like it where they did not find the cause of death. Betsy Alvarado assures that their religion has something to do with it, the three were followers of the Hebrew Israelite faith and apparently Gil was involved in an extremist sect , said the woman who is still waiting for a response from the authorities.

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