Monday, September 30

For refusing vaccination mandate, the Los Angeles Police Department discharged an officer … and seven more are at risk

Cerca del 83% de los empleados del LAPD están completamente vacunados.
Near to 83% of LAPD employees are fully vaccinated.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

For refusing to comply with the vaccination ordinance for city employees, an officer was fired from the Los Angeles Police Department Angels (LAPD), and seven other elements could have the same fate.

Seven LAPD officers faced possible dismissal at a Board of Rights, an internal instance of administrative trials of the corporation, according to LAPD Deputy Director Bea Girmala.

The City’s immunization program required all City employees to disclose their immunization status, and in If they were not immunized, they could apply for a religious or medical exemption before the December deadline.

Thousands of Los Angeles municipal workers Angels could remain on duty while decisions were being made on their applications. of medical or religious exemption to be immunized against the coronavirus.

The LAPD received medical exemption requests from 460 employees and 1,1200 requests for religious exemptionss.

This week, 2,049 LAPD workers, near the 16% of their workforce, did not comply with the vaccination mandate and were awaiting decisions on their respective waiver requests.

At the LAPD , almost 83% of its workers, including police and support staff, reported being fully vaccinated.

During the recent spike in COVID infections in January, more than 1, tra LAPD lowers did not work because they tested positive for coronavirus or because they had contact with infected people, the department reported.

This week, the authority indicated that 277 employees were recovering from illness at home or were in quarantine.

The vaccination order for municipal workers was approved by the Los Angeles Council and signed by Mayor Eric Garcetti on 18 August 2021.

The mandate establishes that the workers of the city had to be fully vaccinated before 000 December, and if they did not want to be immunized, they had to request a medical or religious exemption that would be reviewed. case by case.

Workers have five business days to file an appeal if the exemption is denied, and if they do not appeal, a notice is sent to notify them that they must present proof of vaccination . If it is not born, it will result in a “corrective action”.

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