Saturday, September 28

See the time 21:21: discover what is the spiritual meaning

Guardian angels communicate with human beings through signs, one of them is through the numbers on the clock. If you happen to see the time exactly at 21: 21 it is because your guardian angel has a message that wants to send you.

Las 21: 21 is a mirror hour whose meaning is associated with success, so the message from the heavenly beings is have confidence in yourself to take the first step towards a goal or objective, because you will have good results .

It is a sign that you are about to achieve something you have been looking for for a long time, collect the fruits of your effort and do not give up, according Astrocentro reviewed.

The clear message of seeing that time on the clock is patience, the universe will reward your work, you just have to have faith and hope. It is a form of coronation that can be reflected in the professional field as a promotion, salary increase or more responsibilities.

However, your guardian angel warns you to keep your feet on the ground. land or act with a cool head. While you are likely to achieve great things, it should not be at the expense of your personal well-being. You have to find a balance.

According to, the guardian angel that corresponds to that hour is Damabiah, symbol of life, so he will guide you to be successful in a project.

On the other hand, it is also an excellent opportunity to free yourself from evil spells or negative energies, and that is, according to the site, the spiritual vibration of 21: 21 resonates in peace, harmony and balance.

Your guardian angel could indicate that you are now immersed in a period of negativity, but the 21: 21 is like a blessing that will help you heal, if you change some of your perspectives.

What does the 12: 21 in numerology?

If you add the 21+21 results in 42, which in numerology is a sign of love and support. Astrocentro comments that it represents your good will, generosity and diplomacy. If you keep acting that way, the opportunities will come.

Also, that figure indicates harmony and the family of sum importance in your life. According to, it reflects that you like the tranquility of the home, calm reigns among your loved ones and you do what is necessary to avoid tensions at home.

may interest: Do you see the clock at 12: 12? Discover the powerful message it has for you