Sunday, September 22

A Pittsburgh woman nearly lost her life from head trauma after being beaten by her partner

El agresor ya fue detenido por la policía
The aggressor has already been arrested by the police

Photo: Diana Cibotari / Pixabay

For: The Opinion Updated 09 Feb 2022, 12: 58 pm EST

The sad story of this attack began when neighbors of Lincoln Larimer heard heartbreaking screams

who came from a house and immediately called 911. When the officers arrived at the scene, they received no response, so they kicked down the door of the place and ran into Anan Todd, who punched two officers to prevent them from leaving. brought into the house, but he was taken into custody.

Inside the apartment was a badly beaten woman; According to the police report, her eyes were closed from the beatings, she tore out her hair, she was strangled, she had a head injury, Apparently Todd had attacked her with a broom. The victim was taken to the nearest hospital in an emergency to save his life.

The suspect not only gave his partner a tremendous beating, but also set fire to his house

located in the same area.

The victim, whose identity was not revealed for her safety, confessed to the officers that Todd had threatened to kill her and burn down her house. The reasons why this terrible accident happened have not been resolved by the investigators.

For now, Anan Todd is in jail charged with attempted murder, in addition to assault charges filed by police officers.

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