Saturday, September 21

Pope Francis advocates dialogue in the face of the Ukraine crisis and says that “war is madness”

Papa Francisco, desde el Vaticano, pide por la paz en Ucrania.
Pope Francis, from the Vatican, asks for peace in Ukraine.

Photo: VINCENZO PINTO / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 09 Feb 2022, 11: 04 AM EST

Pope Francis advocated dialogue amid growing tensions over the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine and assured that “war is madness” at the general audience on Wednesdays at the Vatican.

“We continue to pray to the God of peace so that tensions and threats of war may be overcome through a serious dialogue and so that the conversations in the Normandy Format can contribute to that end”, said the pontiff before the dozens of faithful gathered in the Paul Hall. VI.

Francisco was referring to the negotiating format that includes the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, who these days are deploying their better diplomatic skills to reduce tensions.

“And let’s not forget: war is crazy”, added the pope, who wanted to thank those is responded to his call to dedicate the day of last January 26 to prayer for peace in Ukraine.

That day, Francis asked to pray for Ukraine “so that in that land brotherhood can flourish and wounds, fears and divisions can be overcome” and so that “among those responsible for the Earth ” prevail “dialogue and the common good”.

The situation in Ukraine remains tense, after Russia has concentrated more than 798,000 soldiers on the border, while negotiations continue between the main world leaders to solve the crisis.

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