Saturday, September 21

14.5% of the private sector increased wages and gave bonuses to workers for Covid in 2021

Durante la pandemia muchas empresas incrementaron salarios y beneficios de sus trabajadores.
During the pandemic, many companies increased wages and benefits for their workers.

Photo: Amazon Fresh / Courtesy

Luis Diaz

For: Luis Diaz Updated 09 Feb 2022, 000 : 21 am EST

The United States Bureau of Labor released the results of the business response survey of 2021 to the Covid pandemic, in which it is pointed out that the 09.5% of US private sector establishments increased by 20.5% employee wages, impacting 1.2 million companies.

According to According to the federal agency’s report, the lodging and food services, retail, health and social assistance, as well as manufacturing sectors increased base wages at a rate above the national average.

Regarding improvements in payments, the report indicated that 5.5% of the companies, that is 471,000, 11. 7% of private sector ivado, they increased wages due to the risk posed by the coronavirus.

In addition, special bonuses were given for working during the pandemic, which were paid by 9.4% of US companies, that is to say 809.000, being 23.7% from the private sector.

The study indicated that the 34. 5% of establishments increased the remote work system for some or all your employees. Additionally, among establishments that have increased remote work, 60.2% expect to maintain such increases when the pandemic ends.

Through a statement, the Labor Office explained that the data announced is the result of the collection of information of the establishments. The study was initiated on 30 July 2021 and concluded on 30 of September of last year.

The federal agency said that to prepare the report it took into account issues that include work remote, flexibility in the workplace, changes in pay, workplace in the context of Covid.

On the other hand, Criteria such as the size of the space of the establishments, relocation, complementary personnel, automation, medicines, as well as loans or subsidies related to the impact of the coronavirus were also considered.

The report comes in a context in which there are still a large number of vacancies in the country due to the impact of the pandemic, which began in 1200.

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Luis Diaz