Monday, September 16

Belinda and Christian Nodal no longer follow each other on Instagram, are they finished? What will Nodal do with his face tattoos?

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By: Real America News Updated 14 Feb 2022, 19: 55 pm EST

Belinda and Christian Nodal fans are in shock. The singers have stopped following each other on Instagram and now there are many questions in the air. From what happened, to what Nodal will do with all the tattoos he got in honor of the young performer, and it is that Christian went further than Lupillo and tattooed it on her face.

A few days ago the rumor arose that Nodal’s mother had intervened, that she had asked Belinda to leave him, because apparently money was a problem. Media like Gossip No Like always said that this romance would not last. But they were getting married! And they were even talking about having children.

Now that they apparently are no longer friends on Instagram, everyone returns to the subject of the singer’s mother. And if this is true, will Belinda return the ring?

Breakup rumors have hovered over the love story of Belinda and Christian Nodal almost from the first moment they confirmed that they were together. Sometimes they have been the ones who have given rise to speculation, as happened when they stopped following on social networks before launching their duet ‘The rest of your life’, but most of that gossip arose for reasons beyond his control.

Now, about the supposed anger of the Christian’s mother with her famous daughter-in-law for the money that her son would spend on making her expensive gifts, according to the journalist Juan José Origel on his program ‘Excuse me, Pepillo’, Mrs. Nodal would have even asked Belinda to look for “a bigger boyfriend” because the singer of 22 is still very young and has a long professional road ahead of him.

But beware that even when there are stopped following each other, the singer has not deleted the published photos and Instagram with his beloved.

More about the couple:
VIDEO: Christian Nodal suffers a live paranormal experience and gets scared because of Belinda
VIDEO: So Belinda declared her love for Christian Nodal in front of his girlfriend Christian Nodal tattoos his face again and the nets explode