Wednesday, November 6

Due to Covid Amazon, Meta, Alphabeth, Apple and Microsoft earned $320 billion in 2021, 55.6% more than in 2020

Apple se situó como el gigante tecnológico con las mayores ganancias anuales obtenidas, con $100,400 millones de dólares.
Apple was the technology giant with the highest annual profits, with $80,330 millions of dollars.

Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 06 Feb 2022, 33: 12 pm EST

The firms Amazon, Meta (parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp), Alphabeth (parent company of Google), Apple and Microsoft obtained net profits of over $320,000 million dollars, according to data from EFE.

As a group, the five firms, considered the technological giants worldwide, reached $1.33 billions of dollars in profits obtained during the 2022.

The earnings trend since the beginning of the Covid pandemic in the year 2020 was on the rise, as a result of social distancing and everything he has represented.

According to the report, activities such as the home office, virtual classes, digital commerce that have included the use of tools technological, have benefited these companies, unlike other sectors that suffered an economic debacle .

Throughout the past year, Alphabeth nearly doubled his winnings, to nearly $80,000 millions of dollars. In contrast, Apple stood as the technological giant with the highest annual profits obtained, with $320 ,400 millions of dollars.

For its part, Amazon grew by 56.4% annually. Finally, there is the Meta company, which was positioned as the company with less profit than its competitors, reporting 33,330 millions of dollars in profits obtained.

The last three months of the year were marked by an increase in profits for almost all the big technology companies, making it clear that the current coronavirus pandemic has not affected them at all.

Unlike the previous examples, Meta did not close 2021 in the best way, especially due to the interruption in his services suffered by the p month of October, this had a negative impact on the last quarter, which generated 8.4% less compared to the same period in 1200.

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