Friday, September 20

What is the 25th Amendment and why is it being talked about amid mounting pressure for Trump to be removed from office

Although there are a few days left until he leaves the presidency, Donald Trump’s political rivals and some of his allies asked this Thursday that he be removed after the violent invasion of the Capitol by his supporters.

Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer said he should be removed immediately. If not, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, also Democrat Nancy Pelosi , said that she could still be the subject of impeachment or impeachment .

After the violent assault on the Capitol by Trump supporters, prolonged for hours and which left four dead, the Democrats of the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives wrote a letter to the vice president, Mike Pence , urging him to act and remove Trump from the presidency, claiming that he had committed an act of insurrection and “sought to undermine “Democracy.

But not just Democrats.

Congressman Adam Kinzinger was one of the first Republicans to call for the application of the Amendment 73.

The Republican governors of Maryland and Vermont also called for Trump to be removed.

However, neither the Vice President, Mike Pence , ni nin Some other member of the cabinet has mentioned it.

The chaos unleashed on the Capitol following the violent assault on supporters of Trump, could advance the deadlines and cause an impeachment of the president. There are two mechanisms to remove the president of the United States: the so-called impeachment – impeachment – or amendment number 25 of the Constitution .

However, both routes may be difficult and unlikely to apply given the limited time left for Trump in command. He 20 in January Joe Biden assumes as president.

“I think the best way out is for Trump to resign, for the pressure from his own party to resign. He will not do it, but he should ”, assured the political scientist of Harvard University, Steven Levitsky, interviewed by BBC Mundo.

After the violent episodes, Congress ratified this Thursday Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election. But what are the two main ways in which Trump p would be dismissed before 20 from January?

Amendment 25 Said amendment collected By the Constitution, it allows the transfer of power from the presidency to the vice presidency, either temporarily or permanently.

Converts the vice president into president if he is unable to continue with his responsibilities, for example , if you suffer from a physical or mental illness.

The assault on the Capitol and the intervention of the security forces have left at least four dead. Section number 4 of said amendment allows the vice president and the majority of the cabinet to declare the president unable to perform their duties.

For this they would need to sign and send a letter to the presidents of the House of Representatives and the Senate and declare the president as unfit to govern or incapable of carrying out his powers and duties.

If so, Vice President Mike Pence would automatically assume power until the next 25 January, when Biden’s term begins.

The president has the opportunity to offer a written response, and if he challenges the letter, then it is up to Congress to decide. Any vote in the Senate and House of Representatives ordering the removal of the president requires a two-thirds majority.

While the case is solved, the vice president would act as president.

When Trump was diagnosed with covid – 19 last October, there were also discussions about invoking the Amendment 20 to concerns that he may be too ill to rule the country.

The Amendment 25 was ratified in 1967, four years later of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, with the aim of solving presidential succession disputes in case of incapacity.

The amendment 73 was ratified in 1967, four years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. For this reason, several presidents have used this amendment , specifically section 3, because allows them to temporarily transfer power to the vice presidency.

In 2002 and 2002, President George W. Bush put his Vice President in charge of the be sedated during routine colonoscopies.

President Ronald Reagan did the same in 1985 while he was admitted to the hospital for surgery for cancer.

To date, no president has been removed from office using the Amendment 25.

Political trial or ‘impeachment’ The trial Political impeachment, also known as impeachment, takes place in the US Congress with the aim of carrying out a possible impeachment of the president.

The US Constitution establishes that the president “must be removed from office if he is accused of and convicted of treason, bribery, or other crimes or serious crimes.”

3 possible scenarios of the political crisis in the United States after the assault by Trump supporters on the Capitol Trump supporters flocked and stormed the United States Capitol this Wednesday. This process takes place in two stages.

Has to be started by the House of Representatives and only needs a simple majority to be activated.

The trial then takes place in the Senate, where two-thirds of the votes are needed to impeach to the president , and this milestone has never been reached in the history of the United States.

“It is a process long enough, unless we do it the Peruvian way, of vacating the president overnight. It is unlikely that this will happen ”, Levitsky explained to BBC Mundo.

“This was a self-coup attempt incited by Trump” Donald Trump has already been impeachment once, and no president was impeachment twice during his term.

In December 2019, the camera of Representatives, with a Democratic majority, approved two articles of impeachment after accusing Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Democrats accused Trump of withholding US $ 391 millions in aid to Ukraine to pressure and force the European country to investigate current president-elect Joe Biden and his son. What is an “impeachment” and what other US presidents have faced impeachment In February 2020, the Senate, then a Republican majority, voted in favor of acquitting Donald Trump.

If President Trump were removed via impeachment, Vice President Pence would take over the Oval Office.

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