Friday, September 20

“Mexico had to win civilly or criminally and they succeeded”: Panama coach spoke of the controversial penalty against Diego Lainez

El penal sobre Lainez permitió el gol de Raúl Jiménez y la victoria de México.
The penalty against Lainez allowed Raúl Jiménez’s goal and the victory for Mexico.

Photo: Rafael Vadillo / Imago7

Wilson Flórez

El Tri defeated Panama 1-0 at the Azteca Stadium. This victory for the Mexican team outlines them as serious contenders for the direct qualification for the World Cup in Qatar 2022. However, Mexico suffered again and needed a penalty full of controversy to unlock the match . Although many called it a “robbery”, Canaleros coach Thomas Christiansen was more serene.

“In the first half we were well involved, the goal was to look for those movements, to have the ball, having control of the match, we succeeded, we knew that the second half, like in Panama, that they were going to submit us. Mexico’s demand was to win civilly or criminally and they succeeded ”, the strategist sentenced to end the match.

The play was quite small. The quick movements of Diego Lainez and the excessive entrance of Abdiel Ayarza complicated the decision of the play . Despite the different conceptions, the main judge Iván Arcides Barton did not have the initiative to review the play in the VAR; one of the questions to the controversial and blunt sentence.

“Let’s see, I think that with so many doubts that you have in Mexico, in Panama and in the other countries that will have seen it, would be reviewable at least. But that’s what I’m saying, Panama or Mexico, here nothing is given away and that’s what it’s all about. We have to continue and wait for better moments”, added the Panama coach.

Despite not having shown great signs of annoyance, Thomas Christiansen hinted at a certain premonition about the sentences to his selection. The strategist considers that throughout the Octagonal there has not been any kind of “gift” from the arbitration point of view . That is, some controversial decision that has favored them, as happened with Mexico.

“Well, it was difficult there were many people in front of the image, our recording was also difficult to see, but the truth is that these qualifiers have not been very lucky, they have not given us anything to Panama and in the end this continues”, he concluded.

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