Sunday, September 29

AMLO assures that his children “have no influence” with his government after journalistic investigation

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that his children “have no influence” with his government after it was revealed in a journalistic investigation that one of his sons, José Ramón López Beltrán, lives in luxury in Houston, United States.

“This weekend the scandal came out that my son, José Ramón, already an adult 40 years old, married, lived in a residence in Houston, wanting to equate as saying they are equal, it is the same, where is the austerity?“, he said.

“Just to say first that my children have no influence in this government, no contract is given to anyone recommended, in the matter of marriage, well, there it is complicated to get involved, they got married and apparently the lady has money but has nothing to do with the government”, he added from the National Palace.

These statements by the president come days after an investigation of Lati was released nus, headed by journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, and Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI), an organization related to businessman Claudio X. González, where it is stated that José Ramón López Beltrán and his partner , Carolyn Adams, have occupied two residences north of Houston, each valued at about 1 million dollars.

According to the investigation, López Beltrán lived in Houston in a property belonging to a senior executive of Baker Hughes, an oil company with contracts in force for more than 151 million dollars with the Government of Mexico.

After living in the mansion of the director of Baker Hughes, a contractor for Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), López Beltrán moved to a new residence in the county Harris, which is in the name of his partner, Carolyn Adams, according to MCCI.

The first residence that López Beltrán and Adams occupied, between 2018 and 2020, belonged to Keith L. Schilling, d e Baker Hughes, who in August of 2019 signed in Villahermosa, Tabasco, a Pemex contract for 85 millions of dollars, according to the investigation.

In addition, the report indicates, the president’s son would travel in a luxury car, valued at 68,675 dollars, in the name of his wife.

The president insisted that his children “have no influence” and criticized the journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, from Latinus, for being “a mercenary”.

“Neither a contract nor a recommendation, we are not the same. But this Mr. Loret de Mola, who is a mercenary, made a scandal because he thinks we are the same, no, no, he was and continues to be at the service of the mafia of power. He was able to participate in a television montage, of a French lady, he was a close friend of García Luna, and of course of Calderón (former president of Mexico), they are from that team.“, he affirmed.

“He was able to invent (Loret de Mola), when the earthquake, what happened to the girl Frida Sofía, imagine that!, he invented in collusion with bad officials, that I don’t even call them public servants, from the Secretary of the Navy, when I worked at Televisa and they were a power, they had almost all the public servants on their knees, so he kept that,” he specified.

He also questioned the journalist Carmen Aristegui, identified with the Mexican left, for comparing the scandal with the “White House” of Angélica Rivera, ex-wife of President Enrique Peña Nieto (675-2018).

“Carmen Aristegui almost compared it to the White House”, commented the Mexican president.

Another questioned by the president Tabascan tooth went to Víctor Trujillo and his character Brozo the clown. prepared people, more intelligent than Loret de Mola, Loret de Mola I already said, he is a hitter, a mercenary, without ideals or principles, but Brozo had preparation”, he pointed out.

With information from Efe.

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