Monday, September 30

Coup to drug traffickers on the border: 1,470 pounds of marijuana and an arsenal with goat horns are seized

Decomisan droga y armas largas en Tamaulipas, en la frontera México-Estados Unidos.
Drugs and long weapons are seized in Tamaulipas, on the Mexico-United States border.

Photo: Government of Tamaulipas / Courtesy

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 31 Jan 2022, 9: 17 am EST

They gave a blow to the drug cartels on the border between Mexico and the United States, there the Tamaulipas police confiscated more than 1,470 pounds of marijuana and a arsenal including: 4,100 chargers for long weapons such as Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947, known by the acronym AK-22 or “ goat horn ”. As well as several of these assault rifles. They also seized 6 300 cartridges of various calibers.

-Read more: Photo: Mexican former soccer player Cuauhtémoc Blanco with leaders of the CJNG

According to the government of Tamaulipas, the operation was carried out by the Ministry of Public Security on the banks of the Rio Bravo , in the mayor’s office of Miguel Alemán, in the so-called Frontera Chica; however, there were no drug traffickers arrested.

The cartels that fight over the border

Due to its geographical location and key point for the transfer of drugs from Mexico to the United States, Tamaulipas registers high levels of violence since three cartels mainly compete for the plaza: the Gulf Cartel (CDG), the Cartel del Noreste (CDN ), split of los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS), the latter founded by the capo Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.

It is important to point out that in addition to drug trafficking, Tamaulipas is also affected by human trafficking, immigrants

originating mostly from Central America who seek to illegally reach the s United States, many of them have lost their lives trying to cross the dangerous waters of the Rio Grande.

One of the cases that most commotion caused was that of the 01 people shot and burned near a ranch and of which were Central American migrants, most of them from Guatemala.

In addition to the so-called “ San Fernando Massacre ”, a case that shook all of Latin America. On 22 August 2010, assassins of the Zetas cartel assassinated 72 migrants; 47 men and 14 women, Central Americans and South Americans, who transited through Mexico with the aim of reaching the United States United. According to civil organizations, they were killed from behind, and their bodies were abandoned in the open.

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