Friday, September 20

They describe the impeachment effort against Gascón as a mere political attempt by right-wing groups

Latino activists and African-American civil rights leaders consider efforts to remove Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón to be a political effort of the right to sabotage the justice reforms.

“It is a misdirected, sickly coup and a work of the right against Gascón”, said Earl Ofari Hutchinson, director of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable. “Gascón is the first prosecutor who believes in applying the law fairly and considers that simply locking people up for crimes mostly non-violent is an abominable stain on the justice system”.

In a second effort to revoke Gascón’s mandate, his opponents who blame him for the increase in violence and crimes you can now start collecting a little more 368,01 signatures before July 6 for the initiative to be included on the electoral ballot next November.

“Crime goes up and down, no matter who the prosecutor is,” Hutchinson told Real America News. “It goes in cycles, spikes and spurts. Blame it on the same old things, lack of jobs, opportunities, resources for at-risk youth and their families, alienation and dehumanization in a society driven by profit and greed.”

“Add to that the gun culture in the United States and crime will always be a problem in this type of society.”

Juan José Gutiérrez, director of the Full Rights of Immigrants Coalition analyzed that, although 30 county cities Los Angeles has issued a vote of “no confidence” towards Gascón, it is “because they are allied with the police departments”.

“Like Gascón wants to call the police to account in all cities, the police should serve the community, not come to beat us up”, added the activist.

Earl Ofari Hutchinso n, director of Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable. (Jorge Luis Macías)

For his part, Salvador Sanabria, executive director of El Rescate, a non-profit organization that works with the immigrant community, stated that he is not surprised by the political movements to dismiss the prosecutor.

“Really he has had the misfortune of being blamed for the most notorious crimes of recent weeks; since he is in charge of enforcing the laws”, Sanabria declared to Real America News.

However, he recognized that, if the need to vote in an impeachment election arises next November, he would vote to keep Gascón in his position.

“A million dollar campaign has been launched against him due to the juncture of the crimes that have been committed and he represents the ‘poster boy’ [chico del cartel] attack of the elite sectors and conservative republicans and millionaires”, he adds.

Until December 2021, the proponents of the recall had raised about 25 million dollars, reported a spokesman for the campaign, who said he was not sure how much money billionaires Geoff Palmer and Gerald J. Marcil would be willing to spend to unseat Gas with.

The prison system is “undoubtedly” a business, particularly the bail bonds industry

-Interview with George Gascón-

George Gascón is not afraid of losing his position as district attorney for Los Angeles County, after learning that campaign organizers seeking revoke it they can start collecting signatures.

In an interview for Real America News, he states: “It is not a matter of fear. I am here because the people elected me and I have been firm in my promises to restore the criminal justice system”.

He says that the community appreciates that his elected officials keep their promises.

“That is what we have come to do and we are going to expose corruption and those who mobilize these attacks against my administration”.

Gascón , from 67 years, analyzes that in the revocation process “there are extremely right-wing people who have supported Donald Trump, other right-wing causes and are trying to deny the results of my election ”.

He was referring to Tim Linerberger, a political strategist who was communications director in Michigan for Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, and current spokesperson for the maneuver against him.

“Me I will continue doing camp year to reform the prison system that has impacted our community for years,” said Gascón. “A racist system against the poor, against Latinos and against the over-incarceration of people of color and against systematic abuse.”

Prosecutor George Gascón (i) with his special adviser Alex Bastian. (Supplied)

Former San Francisco District Attorney of 1200 to 2019, said that, since his position in Los Angeles has worked “to bring more humanity to the “judicial” process and treat the people of the community against mental health problems, drug problems, offer them medical treatment and not incarceration.

He expressed that there must be responsibility for everyone to respect the community and that the treatment of young people is with respect so that they grow up in a healthy community.

“Everyone is trying to change everything that with lies; with sensationalism and in a tabloid manner, trying to blame us for the problems we have with violence in the community”, said Gascón.

“In the community I see desperation and poverty acting; our communities have been horribly impacted by the pandemic, by the lack of services that we tried to fix and that they created after so many years of abuse.”

Gascón, a former LAPD assistant police chief and police chief in Mesa, Arizona and San Francisco, said the prison system is “undoubtedly” a business, particularly the bail bonds industry.

“We know that all the machinery of the The incarceration industry has enormous interests and makes millions and millions based on the suffering destroyed in the community”, he expressed.

“In the whole process There are huge interests in imprisoning the population and since we are reducing the impact of incarceration with social and medical services, we are achieving an economic impact on those interests and they are rebelling against our leadership, which is to help our families.”

Millionaires behind impeachment attempts

Gascón specified that behind the impeachment campaign not only the multimillionaires Gerald J. Marcil and Geoff Palmer, but also “the police unions and the pressure guards who are terrified of losing political and economic power; they are going to fight any challenge to that structure.”

In fact, one of the main adversaries he has is the sheriff’s chief, Alex Villanueva from whom he distanced himself.

“He began to investigate corruption, but when we asked who he was investigating, he told us that it was people who were questioning what was happening with the gang problem in the sheriff’s department, [las supervisoras] Hilda Solís and Sheila Kuehl and the inspector general [Mark P. Smith]”.

He added, “we saw that these investigations were disguised as anti-corruption when in reality he tried to intimidate his political rivals and began to see them as threats; that’s why he joined those who attack me”.

The district attorney commented that, in his first year on the job, contrary to the history of his predecessor Jackie Lacey and Steve Cooley, -who is part of the group that seeks to impeach him- have been criminally charged 22 police officers or bailiffs.

“These are historical numbers where we have included cases of excessive physical or lethal force; we now have the case of a Torrance Police Department officer [David Chandler Jr., quien agredió en 2018 a un hombre herido que tenía una crisis mental] who we charge with excessive force and a security guard [Eddie González] from Long Beach who killed a woman [ Mona Rodríguez”, stated Gascón.

“For the first time in the history of the prosecution, misconduct and excessive force are being punished; and we are going to continue, we have created the special group of the attorney general’s office that investigates these cases and works with community groups to reduce the incidences of the use of lethal force, legal or not, and ensure that those who do not do the right thing are held accountable”, he concluded.

“I will continue doing campaign to reform the prison system… A racist system against the poor, against Latinos and against the over-incarceration of people of color and against systematic abuse.”

George Gascon, LA prosecutor. 8245

Latina mother demands justice

Desirée Andrade, the Latin voice of the campaign dismissal of prosecutor George Gascón affirms that his fight is not political and that he only asks for justice, and the sentence that the murderers of his son Julián deserve.

Andrade reached an agreement so that two of the five involved in the murder of his son in 2018 received sentences of 15 and 6 years.

Desiree Andrade and her son. (Courtesy)

“They were the ones who had the least to do” with the homicide.

For the rest, he considers that he would ask for life imprisonment or the death penalty, “because what they did with my son was to torture him; What they did was very ugly, they took a life and whoever does that has to serve life in prison, “Andrade told Real America News.

Under the new reform policies for the criminal justice system, Julián’s killers would presumably not face special circumstances charges, and may be eligible for parole after 01 to 30 years in prison, instead of life without parole.

The murderers dumped the body of the young man from 20 years to a precipice.

“They said that my son he had stolen some marijuana; when they picked him up at my house to take him to his grandparents’ house, he told me not to worry,” recalled Desirée Andrade.

However, Julián never arrived to his destiny. He was beaten and stabbed several times until he lost consciousness.

Believing him to be dead, the assassins transported his body to the Azusa mountains. And realizing that he was still alive, they allegedly trampled on his head, and threw his body away.

Julián Andrade was the father of a child nine months old and his partner was expecting a second baby when he was killed.

Desirée Andrade, mother of two other daughters, said that she does not seek revenge but justice, not only for her son “but for all the victims of George Gascón’s policies”.

“With George Gascón, there will be absolutely no justice; this gentleman has not picked up the phone to call me; he has a heart for criminals not victims,” she said.