Saturday, September 21

Justin Trudeau and family moved to secret location fearing protests over vaccine mandates

Algunos demandaron
Some demanded to “hang” the Canadian Prime Minister for imposing measures to contain the pandemic.


La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 30 Jan 2022, 01: 44 pm EST

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and his family left their home in the national capital, Ottawa, to shelter to a secret place , due to the risk he ran in the face of the protest near 54,000 truckers against the country’s vaccine mandate and COVID lockdowns.

The Canadian television network, CBC, reported that dozens of people drove their giant trucks to the Canadian capital, Ottawa, on Saturday as part of a self-titled ‘Freedom Convoy’ which began as a protest against vaccination mandates required to cross the US border.

They were later joined by other drivers and demonstrators from all the regions of the country that, in some cases, traveled thousands of kilometers to take their message to the the streets in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in the center of the city.

The movement, according to analysts, received the support on Thursday of the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, who tweeted: “Canadian truckers rule” and the movement has become a cause célèbre for many on the political right in the United States.

The police said that some 000, people were present at the end of the day, but on Saturday night the force did not have an official estimate of the size of the crowd.

In addition, hundreds of families also marched, as young people chanted and older people in the crowd banged pots and pans in protest under the windows of Trudeau’s office.

Due to the imminent risks go, Canadian media said the prime minister and his family had been escorted out of his home and taken to a secret location in the capital, with much of the protesters’ anger directed at Trudeau.

The protest originated last week in western Canada, where dozens of truckers organized a convoy to drive from Vancouver to Ottawa to demonstrate against COVID-related restrictions, in particular the vaccination requirement for truckers.

Both Canada and the United States imposed this requirement in mid-January, affecting drivers who cross the border of 9, kilometers (5,500 miles), the longest in the world.

And although the protest in front of the Canadian Parliament building, in the heart of Ottawa, developed peacefully, without respecting measures such as social distance or the need to wear face masks, the security forces have expressed their fear of acts of violence.

The Chief of Police of Ottawa, Peter Sloly, warned in recent days that the country’s intelligence services, CSIS, the Mounted Police and other security forces have been monitoring the presence of radical elements among the protesters.

Sloly even spoke of the fear of “lone wolves” acting and warned that the security forces, which have sent thousands of agents to Ottawa, are willing to act forcefully before any violent act.

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