Tuesday, October 8

Cuba asks Biden to reopen embassies after the CIA report on the Havana Syndrome

Una bandera cubana de hormigón frente a la sede de la Embajada de EE.UU. en La Habana,
A concrete Cuban flag in front of the US Embassy in Havana,

Photo: YAMIL LAGE / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 26 Jan 2022, 20: 40 PM EST

A high-ranking official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba is asking the administration of Joe Biden that restore diplomatic relations between the United States and the island in light of a recent CIA report that found that most cases of “Havana syndrome” were likely not caused by a foreign power, according to CNN.

The so-called “Havana syndrome”, a series of mysterious health incidents that have affected US diplomats and CIA personnel in Havana, Cuba, among other cities and even in the United States, it can be explained by environmental causes, undiagnosed medical conditions and other factors, rather than “a sustained global campaign” by a foreign adversary intended to harm American personnel, he said. CIA officials spoke last week, outlining the interim findings of an extensive study.

While Cuban officials rarely agree with something that his longtime nemesis, the CIA, says, Carlos Fernández de Cossío Domínguez, deputy minister of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told CNN that the report should provide enough evidence for US President Joe Biden to order the reopening of embassies and return to normal relations between the two countries.

“The logical step of the United States government with this evidence, with what they now know, would be to put aside the excuse that was used at the time about the attacks and then normalize the functioning and operation of its embassy in Havana and normalize our embassy in Washington,” said Fernández de Cossío, who served as or general director of US affairs at the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to CNN.

In 2016, US diplomats and undercover CIA agents in their homes and hotel rooms in Havana began to complain of unexplained symptoms, such as dizziness and severe headaches. head. These were sometimes accompanied by an unidentified “piercing directional noise” that sounded like metal being scraped across the floor.

Eventually, 24 diplomats were diagnosed with brain damage ranging from mild impairment to injuries “so severe that they may never be able to return to their jobs

US officials feared that the unexplained illnesses could have been caused by “sonic attacks,” an unknown directed energy weapon, or microwaves .

In 2017 , the US expelled Cuban diplomats and withdrew most of its diplomats working in Havana, ending consular services for Cubans seeking US visas last year, the US government estimated that more than 100, Cubans had not been able to receive visas to travel to the US as a result of the closure of the consulate in Havana.

As investigators examined the circumstances surrounding the incidents, then-President Donald Trump said he believed Cuba had the guilt. Although additional US diplomats in China, Austria and other countries have reported feeling similar symptoms, Cuban officials say Washington flagged them.

“Cuba is the only country that is being punished for this, which proves that there was no justification, which proves that it is a government operation to use the excuse of the symptoms suffered by diplomats to act against Cuba”, pointed out Fernández de Cossío.

In interim findings delivered to Biden and reported to Congress in recent weeks, the CIA reported that it had not yet found any evidence that a nation-state is behind any of the approximately 1,000 episodes reported worldwide.

Some of the diplomats and their families expressed their frustration after the publication of the interim report that the US government was still unable to identify the cause of his symptoms.

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– Evaluation of the CIA rules out that cases of “Havana Syndrome” were a foreign attack

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