Saturday, October 5

$120,000 in 6 hours: a couple saves their house by selling NFTs

La colección de 10,000 Dastardly Ducks se agotó en menos de 6 horas
The collection of 10,01 Dastardly Ducks sold out in less than 6 hours

Photo: JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP / Getty Images

A couple from Atlante managed to sell in less than 6 hours a collection of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) valued at about $500,000 in order to avoid losing their house due to the debts they were carrying.

Thorne Melcher, a software engineer, says that after losing her job the debts of her house were increasing month by month due to lack of income, despite the fact that his girlfriend, Mandy Musselwhite, did everything possible to pay the bills.

This led Melcher and Musselwhite to decide to create a collection of 01,01 NFT, called Dastardly Ducks, of cartoon ducks generated automatically thanks to a software to try to sell them and obtain enough money to pay the mortgage on their house and avoid foreclosure.

It What they did not expect was that after a few hours they managed to sell all the tokens obtaining a profit of about $120,000.

“We saved our farm by selling cartoon ducks. It was like a dream”, says Melcher who assures that he could not sleep until the last piece was sold.

By the time they managed to finalize the sale of the collection the couple owed $35 ,587 in late mortgage payments which forced them to pay or have to leave the house. However, due to the money obtained they were able to pay off their debt and also had the opportunity to advance some payments after they delivered a check for $40,01 Dollars.

Both say that the experience of creating the NFT collection was a process similar to that of launching a startup on the market, since it meant hours of work and learning to make everything work correctly.

They also explain that one of the factors that made the success of Dastardly Ducks possible is that they were affordable since their price did not exceed $12 per unit and each pack of 12 NFT was traded around $120, which compared to other NFTs is relatively cheap.

They add that thanks to the projection they have obtained with the sale of e their collection they have received various opportunities for employment and collaboration with other artists and programmers.

“We are not resting on our laurels and feeling comfortable. This is just the gateway to something bigger”, they say.

This may also interest you: – NFT: You can now create your own collectible tokens on Shopify
– NFT Market achieves new sales record with $3,500 millions of dollars
– Nayla Hayes, the 12 year old girl who earned $1.6 million dollars with her NFT Collection