Sunday, October 6

VIDEO: Andrés García predicts his death and assures that he will end up alone

Megan Negrete

The world of entertainment sometimes generates a phenomenon of loneliness among the stars, and this would be happening to the famous actor, Andrés García, who is 80 years old, and has reflected to which person he will leave his assets , because he sees his death close.

The Dominican based in Acapulco, Mexico, is fighting against a health problem that you suffer from and for which you need a blood transfusion, since you have a problem in the spinal cord that destroys red blood cells.

According to García, the one who has been keeping an eye on his situation is his wife’s son: ” Margarita’s son, Andrés López Portillo, helps me a lot, he accompanies me”, stated in an interview for the program Al Rojo Vivo.

After being questioned by his three children and about the support they have given him, the actor said that He rarely sees them: “Leonardo has been partying for two years and hasn’t appeared for two years, and suddenly one day he remembers his dad and ‘what happened dad? I’ll see you there, and I’m going to visit you’, and he comes and stays for half a day or three or four hours and then he disappears again for another year. And that’s not visiting your dad. Andrés lives in Miami, so I see him very little, I think he came once in 10 years, he has come once. I don’t know anything about Andrea, nor am I interested in anything”.

Andrés reflected on the relationship he maintains with his children and said that “I never managed to teach them that you have to visit your parents, you have to see what is offered to them.”

Therefore, returning to the issue of inheritance and to whom he would leave his assets, the artist announced that he could leave them to his wife’s son: “I think I’m going to leave it to him Andrés López Portillo, he is going to take care of him, he comes, the others don’t come, they have never come, or they come once every two years, that is, they are not interested”.

Regarding Roberto Palazuelos, he indicated that he no longer wants to know anything, “no, there is nothing to fix, he on his side and I on mine”.

The actor of 80 years revealed that she distanced herself from her husband again to Margarita, so at this moment he is alone and believes that this is how he will leave this world: “I am already alone and I am probably going to die alone, it is a consequence of the type of life that I have wanted to wear”.

He even regretted having had various sentimental partners throughout his life, and not knowing how to stay with any of them : “It would be Sinatra’s words, you have to be more of a man to have only one woman, than to have many, I haven’t been able to do it.”

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