Friday, September 20

VIDEO: “Al Chipotle”, the virtual character of the INE that responds to the accusations of AMLO and his government

“Al Chipotle”, the virtual character created by the INE, Mexico.

Photo: INE / Reforma Agency

César Reyes

In order to respond to the accusations made by the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) party, regarding the controversy over the referendum on the revocation of the mandate and other issues , the National Electoral Institute (INE) of Mexico created a virtual character called “Al Chipotle” .

In a video that has already gone viral on social networks accompanied by criticism, you can see and hear “Al Chipotle” say: “Did they believe that the INE is the most expensive electoral institute in Latin America?” .

“Al Chipotle, a virtual character from @INEMexico that fights disinformation, reliably explains why neither the Institute nor the elections in Mexico they are the most expensive in Latin America”, reads a twitter message from the INE accompanied by the video of “Al Chipotle”.

“Al Chipotle”, from which its name arises in reference to the Mexican phrase “al chile” which means “to tell the truth”, answered to the “attacks” on Monday by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who showed a table stating that the INE is the most expensive body in Latin America for receiving 1,318 million dollars of budget in 2021.

The Mexican president compared the autonomous body that organizes the elections in Mexico with the 247. 7 million dollars from the National Electoral Council of Colombia, the 228.4 million dollars from the Superior Electoral Court of Brazil and the 174.3 million dollars from the National Office of Electoral Processes of Peru, among others.

“The INE, in addition to organizing elections, issues credentials here and in the former foreigner, trains people to join the voting booths, audits income and expenses of political parties, manages time on radio and television, also promotes civic education and participation” , says the animated character on social media.

Since the “Al Chipotle” character was unveiled this Monday 17 of January, “memes” are spread on social networks and various criticisms from different sectors of society about the animated cartoon and Lorenzo Córdova, President Councilor of the INE.

The honest truth , I say it to Chile (to be in tune with the communication strategists of the INE) less hysterical, more decent and less vulgar El Chipotle than its clone Lorenzo Córdova…

With those friends who needs enemies.

— Epigmenio Ibarra (@epigmenioibarra) January 19, 2022

Andrés Manuel López Obrador has repeatedly stated that the INE has refused to carry out the consultation revocation of mandate , to be carried out the next 10 in April and where the population would vote whether or not they want the Mexican president to complete his six-year term until 2022, even though it is a constitutional mandate.

For its part, the INE has argued that it cannot carry out the consultation because Congress cut 4,913 millions of pesos (242 million dollars) for 2021.

Given this, the Mexican Government presented last week to the INE an “austerity plan” so that, according to its calculations, it saves 2,972 million pesos (more than 146 millions of dollars) with cuts to benefits, salaries, savings and trusts to carry out the consultation.

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