Wednesday, September 18

Jessica Rodríguez from 'Despierta América' reveals that she hit… her mother!

Jessica Rodríguez.
Jessica Rodriguez.

Photo: Despierta América / Univision

Mandy Fridmann

Yes, as you read in the title, Jessica Rodríguez from ‘Despierta América’ reveals that she hit… her mother! … This is how the youngest presenter of Univision’s morning show confessed it to her partner, Raúl González.

Both presented an interview that the program did to a proud woman who is dedicated to driving cargo trucks

, when González asked her co-host if she would dare to have that profession, without imagining what that question would trigger.

Why? Because Jessi confessed that she gets bored when she drives, and even worse, that she gets distracted! But not talking on the phone, or putting on makeup or reading a magazine, but in her thoughts.

“ I have gone too far, I have gone where it was not, and all because I’m leaving with my thoughts”, the young journalist confessed to her partner.

Like an older brother from work, Raúl scolded her, assuring her that these distractions could cause unfortunate accidents, which I had to be careful.

But the issue did not stop there, because when they came back from commercials, González insisted on the danger of Jessi’s carelessness when driving and blaconized her, revealing that, to her 28 years, he already has three accidents in his historyl.

“It was not my fault… One a lady ate the light and took me, the second it was a little my fault because I braked a little late and gave her a mini tap on the car in front”, confessed Jessi.

The unusual thing is that in that second crash that he relates, the one in the car in front was his mother!

… Everything happened at a traffic light before his house.

“ I go into crisis thinking: ‘ My God, my parents are going to kill me’, when they knock on my window and I say, ‘Oh ma’am, forgive me’ and I turn around, it was my mother! She yells at me, ‘Jessica, what were you doing?’”, recounted the presenter of ‘Despierta América’, with the spontaneity and that particular style of telling things that characterizes her.

In the face of everyone’s laughter, he confessed that in that crash, the only one who says it was his fault, since the third assures that a car that hit ot ro it was her turn, she was looking at the phone .

Of course, Jessi was scolded by her colleagues and companions and promised to be more attentive and avoid distraction when driving.



•Jessica Rodríguez: From intern at Univision to hosting ‘Despierta América’

•Journalist from ‘Despierta América’ opens the intimacy of his heart and leaves everyone crying

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