Friday, September 20

Do you want to be happier? Astrology tells you how to add more joy to your life

Astrology tells you how to be happier. Photo: Dalila Dalprat / Pexels

After the turbulent 2020, one one of the purposes for this 2021 is to be happier . Happiness can be found in various aspects of life and it depends on the definition that each person has of being happy.

But, according to astrology, there is something in our birth chart that could give us a little more joy . The stars can help us to have a brighter perspective on our environment and find the happiness we seek so much.

According to the renowned astrologers AstroTwins, Venus and Jupiter play an important role in this area since the first is the planet of pleasure and the second that of prosperity . So, the first step to know how to be happy is to find the location of these two planets in your astral chart , This was explained in an article by . When you find out, discover how to have more joy according to the sign where both planets have been located at the time of your birth.

Also reads: What does your zodiac sign need to be more successful in the 2021

Venus in signs of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) If your Venus is in a fire sign the action is the that will give you more claim. For example, exercise or anything that involves fire like cooking or lighting candles, according to the AstroTwins.

Venus in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) If your Venus is in an earth sign it has a lot to do with the material environment. So, you need tangible things that make you happy and lift your spirits like a houseplant, a coffee machine, or beautiful home decorations.

Venus in the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) If in your Astral chart Venus positioned itself in an air sign you are likely to be a sociable being. Technology will help you connect with your loved ones, be it a webcam, headphones, or social media. Astrologers recommend treasuring special moments in photos to later share them with others.

Venus in the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) If Venus is in a water sign it means that your energy is emotional and sensitive, but very intuitive. Activities such as tarot or angel cards, listen to music or see photos with happy memories will make you smile.

Jupiter in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) If your Jupiter was placed in a sign of fire you probably like adventures, like traveling. It is likely that this time of year it will be difficult to go on a trip, but there will be joy if you take the time to plan your next adventures or remember past trips.

Jupiter in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) If Jupiter is positioned in some earth sign in your birth chart means that you love organization and systems. Any household project like growing your own food or renovating a room will bring you happiness and prosperity.

Jupiter in signs air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) If Jupiter is in an air sign, joy will be in the information. Reading interesting books, magazines or articles will bring that extra degree of happiness you are looking for. If reading saturates you, you can resort to documentaries or interviews with historical figures.

Jupiter in water signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) For those who Jupiter was placed in a water sign, their emotional state must flow without setbacks. The way to do this is by adequately meeting your basic needs like eating, sleeping, and staying hydrated. In addition, they must carry out activities that lift their mood such as dancing or painting.

It may interest you: What is the secret to be happy in the 2021, according to your zodiac sign