Friday, September 20

Why doesn't Roberto Palazuelos want to see his mother again?

The life of Roberto Palazuelos has been surrounded by luxuries but also a lot of pain and it is that since very little one lived very tragic episodes that marked him. One of them is the relationship he has with his mother , the model Maria Badeaux, whom he does not want to see now due to to a strong betrayal he did.

In an interview he gave for the program Confessions last year, the businessman shared that during his childhood he was kidnapped by his mother and taken to the United States, later had to be rescued by his grandfather and father who took him to Mexico again. Once in the country, it was his grandfather who took care of him, however he was murdered when Palazuelos was only four years old.

“My mother took me away and took me to the US with an American passport, my grandfather got me back,” he said. After the event, an investigation was opened to the model, however, she never returned. Some time later, when he turned 18 years, wanted to make up with her. Roberto Palazuelos arrived in the United States and contacted her, they saw each other in a park but he assured that “it was not the same.”

The problem came later, when a magazine contacted the lady to buy the story of how “she took her son to the United States”, it was something that forever broke the bond between Palazuelos and her: ” I forgave my mom , then she did something to me that hurt me a lot. When I finished recovering, I said: ‘ This is the last time that I am going to allow you to touch my heart and hurt my soul as you just did,’ ”he explained. Palazuelos in the interview.

She never called him to clarify things or ask for forgiveness: “She’s dead to me” , condemned. To date Palazuelos does not want to know anything about his mother and assures that he has no intention of forgiving her.

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