Friday, September 20

Roger Martínez apologized for his expulsion to the fans of America

Sergio Musella

The beginning of the Closing Tournament 2022 for the Águilas del América was similar to a horror story because of what was experienced in the first half of the match against Puebla, after the expulsion of the attacker Roger Martínez and the technician Santiago Solari.

After receiving a yellow card, Roger Martínez committed a foul one minute 36 ′ of the commitment, but the main referee did not hesitate to take out the second yellow card to send the showers to the extreme and leave his team with ten players.

For this reason, the Colombian dedicated a message on his social networks apologizing to the fans of America for their behavior during the match held in Cuauhtémoc Stadium.

FORGIVENESS 👎🏾🦅 for the expulsion but I am very proud of my companions for the balls, the effort and the great sacrifice. Against everything and whoever we are going to the death with this team. 💪🏾— Roger Martinez (@ rogermartinezt9) January 8, 2022

On the other hand, the apologies offered by the extreme were well received on the social network itself , where they responded mostly with messages of support and gratitude to the publication made by Roger Martínez.