Friday, September 20

Juan Gabriel, the house where his mother worked as a domestic worker

Elia Lopez

By: Elia Lopez

Juan Gabriel was one of the most important and successful singer-songwriters of Mexico , to whom in addition to writing and singing her own songs, she also loved to buy houses.

But the most important for him, on a personal level is the house where his mother was a domestic worker and which he bought when he began to have fame in his musical career, according to statements from his friend and former manager , Silvia Urquidi, recently published the TVyNovelas site.

For Alberto Aguilera Valadez, real name of Juan Gabriel, the house where his mother worked, Victoria, always had an incalculable value .

The property is located on Avenida Lerdo, number 356, at Ciudad Juárez , in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, bordering the United States.

While his mom was working, he did mischief

In that house, both Victoria and Alberto had important moments. While she worked as a domestic worker to support her children, the little one did his thing and kept doing mischief while her mother did the cleaning and food for the bosses.

Those facts were reflected in the bioseries “Until I met you”, that aired on 2016 and ended on 28 August, date that coincided with the death of the call “Divo de Juárez” .

The interpreter of “Eternal Love” was born on January 7, 1950.

His mother was a domestic worker

As related in the bioseries, Juan Gabriel bought that house, where his mother was a domestic worker, to become the mistress of the house.

He gave it to his mother Victoria, who according to what was transmitted in the series , she did not feel comfortable in that home, where he worked for a long time to support his family , although little Alberto had to be admitted to boarding school, because he could not support all his children.

What is Juan Gabriel’s house like where his mother was a domestic worker?

The house has a staircase at the entrance, retains its original design, with windows and balconies .

Inside you can see the marble stairs with mirrors, very in the style of the years 70 .

On the upper floor, at the end of the stairs, there is a mural with the image of Juan Gabriel , at the beginning of his artistic career.

Among all The houses that Juan Gabriel ‘collected’, this one had a very special value for him. Here’s the story: https: //

– TVyNovelas México (@TVyNovelasMex) January 5, 2022

The bathroom is decorated with small mirrors like the glass balls that were used at the time of disco music.

L he walls covered in mahogany and cedar, made of the finest woods that exist and has details in gold, like the walls, which also look white.

As well as huge lamps that the interpreter of “El Noa, Noa” liked.

Currently the house of Juan Gabriel is administered by the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Higher Studies of Chihuahua (IESCH), which allows guided tours of the property, so that fans of the Divo de Juárez can get to know it.

The basement was for a time Juan Gabriel’s recording studio, but currently it works as an archive.

You can also read:

– This is the house, by the sea, where Juan Gabriel spent his last minutes of life

– VIDEO: The Mexican Mariana Seoane confesses that the spirit of Juan Gabriel appears to her

– They sell in $ 600, 000 dollars the famous mansion that Juan Gabriel had in Acapulco

– Meet Los Gabrieles, Juan Gabriel’s secret ranch that they sell for $ 1.8 million

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