Friday, September 20

Facebook will block Trump's account until his presidency ends

Twitter also blocked President Trump’s account. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

Facebook will not allow President Donald Trump post messages, at least until his presidency ends.

This was announced by the founder of that platform, Mark Zuckerberg , since he considers it “too great a risk” to let the US president use the social network, after his incitement to followers that ended with the violent irruption to the United States Capitol.

“We believe that the risks of allowing the president to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great” , indicated Zuckerberg.

He added that the president did not condemn the actions of his followers in Washington, DC

“Your decision to use your platform to condemn rather than condemn the actions of your followers in the Capitol building has disturbed, c for reason, to citizens in the United States and around the world, ”he wrote.

Twitter and Instagram also temporarily blocked the accounts of President Trump, who had that send a message through his collaborator Dan Scavino .