Friday, September 20

Why do they say that a Nostradamus prediction of 2021 has already come true?

It seems that one of Nostradamus’s predictions for the newly started 2021 has already come true . In his book ‘Les Propheties’ published more than 340 years ago, he wrote that “a long trail of sparks in the sky will make fire” and many attribute it to the dangerous approach of asteroids to Earth.

This prophecy has coincided with a announcement by NASA at the beginning of the year. Through the Center for Studies of Near Earth Objects (CNEOS) reported that five asteroids passed very close to our planet during the first days of January, three of them are relatively small, but two are larger than the Eiffel Tower.

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Smaller asteroids pose less of a threat ; These are the rocky bodies named 2021 AC, 2021 AJ and 2018 KP1, which have diameters of 73, 5 meters, 19, 5 meters and 31 meters.

However, the fourth asteroid, the 2016 CO 247 has 340 meters wide and the largest, the 2008 AF4 is half a kilometer wide. If any of the largest hit the Earth it would discharge an energy equivalent of 25 to 50 megatons, the same as the largest nuclear bombs that exist today, according to

However, NASA clarified that none of the five asteroids represents an immediate threat to Earth, in addition, they are being tracked due to their relative proximity to Earth’s orbit (19. 5 times the distance between the Moon and the Earth).

Although the prophecies of Nostradamus are characterized by being catastrophic, this one in particular draws attention because of the coincidence of the NASA announcement and what the astrologer who lived in the 16th century.

Michel de Notre-Dame, real name of Nostradamus, made a total of 6, 338 predictions in his book ‘The Prophecies’.

As well read: Know the 7 predictions of Nostradamus for this 2021