Friday, September 20

Driver of Suelta La Sopa, diagnosed with a malignant tumor, beats cancer and breaks the silence

The opinion


The tumor measured seven inches and was lodged behind the intestines Juan Manuel Cortés. Photo: Mezcalent

Juan Manuel Cortés is one of the stars of Tell me what you know. Last year -2015 – the content director of this show was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, and has beaten cancer for the second time . Today, this Colombian presenter breaks the silence and talks about his entire process and fights for his health.

The panelist of the program shows that air on Telemundo spoke with People en Español magazine, and said medium he confessed that every morning for him is a miracle of life . He thanks God for everything, even for the air he breathes.

“Since I went through the cancer process in May of 2015, I adopted a custom: every morning when I wake up, I thank God for the miracle of life. To attract miracles, it is essential to value the blessings you already have , even thanking God for the air you breathe, “said Cortés.

When this fight for his health began, he took a productive attitude regarding their healthy diet. The year 2021 also It was important for him from this perspective: “Thank God I am still cancer free and my health is perfect. During the 2020, particularly, I was very dedicated to taking care of my immune system, through food. I wake up and drink baking soda with lemon and water on an empty stomach. Then I have soursop leaf tea. I always include fresh fruits in my breakfast, as they are loaded with very beneficial nutrients. ”

For Juan Manuel it is important to have an immune system with strong defenses so that his body can cope to any eventuality strengthened. “I also drink green juices loaded with foods rich in vitamin C. And the blood tests that my oncologist performs every three months have shown that all this has helped me a lot, because my defenses are higher than ever.”

Year 2020 at the beginning he had to undergo surgery to defeat a new cancer. He thanks God because he conquered fear and doubts. Thanks to God, to medicine and to his faith, the television host emerged victorious from this second cancer, a second test of faith.

“Upon arriving at the hospital on January of 2020, I was completely sure that God was going to take care of me, that he was going to guide the hands of the doctor, who at the end of the surgery was impressed with how well everything had gone “, he asserted.

He also told how it all started: “At the beginning I was afraid, of course, but I understood that I had to be certain, because that way I was going to help my doctor to make the surgery go perfect … I prepared for that surgery for several months. On the one hand, I lost weight and did a lot of exercise, as it was a very complex operation, a giant tumor had to be removed ( 7 by 7 inches), lodged behind my intestines, in an area that is difficult to access. So if I lowered fat in my abdomen, the surgery was easier. On the other hand, I prepared myself emotionally and spiritually to go to the operating room with an unbreakable strength. ”

His faith has been a constant in his life, for this reason he always thanks God, each achievement obtained, each victory added in his life and in his state of health: “My recovery was very fast and then we were surprised that, unlike what we had thought, the tumor was not benign and had another type cancer inside. But thank God that cancer came out of my body with the tumor “.

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