Sunday, September 29

Alarm in football: two players died in less than 24 hours due to heart conditions

El fútbol es un deporte de alto rendimiento.
Soccer is a high-performance sport.

Photo: JOHN MACDOUGALL / AFP / Getty Images

Kike Frías

For: Kike Frías

In a period of 24 hours two professional footballers lost their lives due to the same circumstances and which have the world of sports dismayed and generating all kinds of speculation: heart conditions.

death from heart problems is becoming more and more frequent in soccer. Those who practice this sport are exposed to long hours of training and heavy physical loads that in the end end up taking a toll on your health. There is also another who have special cardiac conditions and yet do not take the proper precautions or treatments.

The most recent case is Argentine Sergio “Kun” Agüero, who the 30 October 2021 suffered a cardiac arrhythmia in a FC Barcelona match against Deportivo Alavés and that in the end ended up forcing him to retire.

It is also worth remembering the case of Iker Casillas. In the goal of Real Madrid and also with the Spanish team he won everything and already in his last years he was defending the goal of Porto de Portugal with good sense, but he had to retire when he suffered an acute myocardial infarction, which

These two footballers, one Croatian and the other Omani, were not lucky enough to get a second chance and died suddenly while warming up with their respective teams.

Marin Cacic

From 23 years and with a career to explore ahead, the central defender of Nk Nehaj Marin Cacic suffered a cardiac arrest last Tuesday when he was warming up in training for his club.

After par d e days in a coma, Cacic finally died on Thursday at the hospital where he was hospitalized. Investigators have not yet provided information on the investigations being carried out on the death.

Croatian footballer Marin Cacic has tragically died three days after being placed into a coma following his sudden collapse at training with his side NK Nehaj Sinj.

— Lepara (@Diski_Sauron) December 24, 2021


Just one day later, Mukhaled Al-Raqadi, from 29 year-old suffered a heart attack on 22 from December during the pre-game warm-up of his team , Muscat FC (Oman). The player was transferred to a hospital where he died within hours of suffering the heart attack.

Upon suffering the crash, he was immediately helped by the rest of his teammates and coaching staff, but he died in the hospital a few hours after arriving.

The Omani club, for its part, lamented the death and in a statement gave few explanations about what the tragic event was due to: “With our hearts full of faith accepting the will of God, the leadership of Muscat Sports Club and all its affiliates extend your sincere condolences to the Al-Raqadi family.

Read on:

Pelé left the hospital although he will continue a colon tumor treatment

Will they reconcile at Christmas? Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero were seen together in Porto

The bright future awaiting Kun Agüero after retiring from football

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