Sunday, September 29

Silvia Pinal continues to have a 'cough' you bring contracting COVID-19



The Mexican actress Silvia Pinal will leave the covid area – 19 of the hospital where she is admitted, but will remain in the intensive care unit, her daughter reported Monday and also actress Sylvia Pasquel.

“If the epidemiology council considers that my mother is already in the final stage, without symptoms, and is perfectly fine with her oxygenation, her heart rate and of her pressure, they can consider the possibility of transferring her to intensive care, but already in the area that is not covid “, Pasquel told the Hoy program.

Pinal, icon of cinema and television, was admitted last Wednesday to a private hospital in Mexico City for cardiac complications and covid – 19, which he allegedly contracted at an event over the weekend, according to his daughter Alejandra Guzmán, singer.

Since then the health of the artist, born in Sonora in 1931, has evolved favorably, said Pasquel in an interview with Televisa’s morning program.

A little while ago we were doing a Zoom with her, the whole family. It’s very good. All his vital signs are perfect, his oxygenation is perfect, he has no symptoms of any kind, no fever or anything. It is asymptomatic 100%. The only thing is his cough, which has a little cough “, he detailed.

Pinal’s disease has shaken the Mexican public because it is considered the “last diva” of national cinema, thanks to its famous characters and a career that dates back to 1949.

The Mexican actress rose to international fame with the Spanish director Luis Buñuel, who incorporated her in films such as “Viridiana” (1961), “The exterminating angel” (1962) and “Simon of the desert” (1965).

The artist has also stood out for her role on television, where she hosted the iconic show “Woman, real life cases” for more than 20 years from 1985.

“I thank you from the heart, your prayers, your comments, your words. And yes, my mommy, bless God, she is very well. And I thank you for all your attention, “said Pasquel before the public displays of affection.

The case of Pinal occurs while Mexico deals with the arrival of the omicron variant of the coronavirus to the country, which accumulates more than 3.9 million cases and almost 100. 000 deaths, the fourth highest figure in the world.

Continue reading

• Silvia Pinal’s children share details about the actress’s state of health: “A very light Covid”

• Silvia Pinal remains asymptomatic and could leave the COVID area, confirms Sylvia Pasquel

• “There is Silvia Pinal for a while”: Sylvia Pasquel says about the state of health from his mother