Friday, September 20

KFC: Japan's Delicious Fried Chicken Christmas Gift

KFC se incorporó desde 1970 a la cultura japonesa como parte de la tradición y las celebraciones navideñas locales.
KFC joined from 1970 to Japanese culture as part of local Christmas traditions and celebrations.

Photo: Yuichi Yamazaki / Getty Images

Rubén Rivera

Giving away fried chicken in Japan during Christmas might seem like a joke, but it’s not. Sales exceed those of a normal day and the company accepts pre-orders from customers for their Christmas dinner.

It is estimated that 3.6 million Japanese families give away fried chicken from the chain of KFC fast food at Christmas , following a tradition that dates back to 1974, four years after the chain opened its first store in Japan.

According to KFC tradition began after staff at the company’s first local heard foreign customers complain about the absence of turkey , which left them no choice but to substitute one bird for another.

This ended up inspiring a marketing campaign called Kentucky for Christmas , which has since evolved into an elaborate national campaign that includes figures of Colonel Sanders dressed as Santa Claus and menu items that are sold exclusively for Christmas, as a premium roast chicken quality.

Familias de Japón regalan pollo frito de KFC en Navidad-GettyImages-1292730578.jpeg
KFC begins accepting orders for Christmas from the end of October. Photo: Yuichi Yamazaki / Getty Images.

Daily sales at some KFC restaurants They may be 10 times higher than usual during the Christmas period .

KFC Japan begins to announce and accept Christmas orders in advance for its special menu from the end of October, according to information from the press department

The idea was so successful that the manager who came up with this plan for the Christmas season became the president and CEO of KFC Japan from 1984 to 2002.

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