Saturday, September 21

Nerea Godínez celebrates Christmas by visiting the place where Octavio Ocaña died

Octavio Ocaña.
Octavio Ocaña.

Photo: Courtesy Televisa / Agencia Reforma

Rocío García

The family of Octavio Ocaña has passed the most difficult Christmas of their lives after the sudden death of the actor who won the affection and recognition of the public thanks to his character of “Benito Rivers” in the series ‘Neighbors’ ; So through their social networks they shared how they remembered the young man on this special date.

The first to expose their nostalgia was Nerea Godínez , who was Ocaña’s fiancee, well last afternoon 24 December was present in the altar that was permanently placed in the place where lost his life Benito last 29 October on a section of the Chamapa-Lechería highway in the State of Mexico.

The moment of the heartbreaking visit was captured through his profile on Instagram, where he shared a video in which he appears making a toast in memory of Octavio Ocaña in front of to a bottle of his favorite beer, an image that he accompanied with a very special dedication, because in it he highlighted how difficult it is and will continue to be to live without him.

Merry Christmas love of my life , you will never lack light or company As long as I have life I LOVE YOU FOREVER. Your favorite beer and what for me was “chelear” and you always bought me. This one failed my love, but I know that somehow we will get back together! May every tear that I have shed for you gives me the strength to continue “, it reads at the bottom of the recording of a few seconds in duration, but which has been reproduced about 400 a thousand times.

In another publication, the young businesswoman showed with a series of photographs the gifts her son sent, who grew up sheltered by the actor’s affection.

Your Child also left you his bracelets (for you) and a photo of the two that he colored. We love you my king ”, he said.

However, his sisters, Bertha and Ana Leticia, continued their duel by sharing a series of posts in which they are seen with a photograph of Octavio and where they highlighted that it will always be present in their hearts and in every second that remains of their life: “ you were our greatest pillar, the most beloved of your family, you are unforgettable my king “.

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