Friday, September 20

How to protect a child who is too young to be vaccinated from covid-19

Cómo proteger del covid-19 a un niño que es demasiado pequeño para vacunarse

Photo: Brandon Bell / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News

In the United States, children under 5 years of age cannot receive the vaccine against covid – 19, at least still .

In other countries, that range is widening, as there are nations that are concentrating their efforts on immunizing older people and even giving them booster doses.

But those minors who cannot be vaccinated would have protection against the coronavirus in many other ways, which you can put into practice now for greater peace of mind.

The doctor Rochelle Walensky , director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emphasizes that you have to start with “ surround them with vaccinated adults and with reinforcements if possible ”. And he adds that before any family gathering, even among vaccinated people, it is a very good idea to undergo tests detection of covid.

Precisely, the CDC recommends that children 2 years and older and all people who are not vaccinated, wear face masks in public indoors.

Little ones under 2 years of age and people who for some reason cannot use masks, should choose to limit the encounters and physical distance

with unvaccinated people.

The CDC states that in outbreaks of covid – 19, it is a great idea for everyone to wear masks, no matter if they are vaccinated or no.

The Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota Viral Infection Expert Matthew Binnicker recommends that the meetings do not have more than 10 persons.

Family gatherings should not be “parties with 30 or more people, ”says Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert on infectious diseases in the United States. He adds that “those are the kind of celebrations you shouldn’t go to” right now.

With information from The Associated Press .

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