Sunday, September 29

Silvia Pinal's assistant reveals details of the health crisis suffered by the actress before being hospitalized

Rocío García

Efigenia Ramos , who has remained at the side of Silvia Pinal for more than 30 years as his assistant, revealed before the cameras of the program ‘Hoy ‘some details about the health of the lead actress, as it was precisely she who discovered the alerts for which she entered the hospital last Wednesday night 22 December.

After it was announced that the last diva of the Cine de Oro was hospitalized due to heart problems, where later confirmed that he was infected with Coronavirus , his personal assistant assured that he is going very well, because he is a very strong person despite having presented a complication that It is not easy to overcome.

“The crisis that no person has resisted.”

Efigenia Ramos, Silvia Pinal’s assistant

In addition, she shared that inside of s activities is the daily check of vital signs of the actress, which helped to realize that something was not right.

“Whenever I arrive The first thing I do is see how the night passed, what signs it has, how it goes and when I realized that the signs were on the floor there I no longer liked it and immediately to call a doctor , her children, everything ”, he explained.

And although it was given a medicine to lower his blood pressure, this caused the crisis that led to an emergency arrival at the hospital, where they performed protocol tests that were positive for SARS-CoV-2.

“We ask for your studies, the first one they performed was a rapid (COVID test) and it came out negative, but since I also asked for a PCR, so at night they told us that it was positive “, Add.

However, Efigenia points out that a day before the Mexican businesswoman and producer had a low spirits, which set off the alarms, as this is not normal for her.

“One day before I was half sad, I was tired, so among those signs I said: ‘No, there is something here'”.

Fortunately, Mrs. Silvia Pinal is progressing satisfactorily and according to the latest medical reports she has requested to return home, but this may not be possible because must continue with the protocols that strictly establish that she remain in quarantine and under absolute observation of the team of doctors who treat her in a hospital in Mexico City.

“Those who do We know is that it is very good, it has stabilized a lot and now that they tell us how many days it will be there . She is very strong and I think she will come out very soon “, said Efigenia.

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