Sunday, September 29

Who dares to say what 2022 will be like?

Two years after the start of a pandemic that has changed everything politically, socially and economically, and without having managed to eradicate it, the world is once again facing a new year conditioned by a virus that will continue to affect electoral processes, summits and all kinds of events.

Despite everything, the world does not stop and , in 2022, these will be some of the news events that will mark the global agenda , always with the permission of the Sars-Cov -2.

Electoral processes increasingly polarized

Politically, without a doubt, two electoral processes will have a special role.

The so-called mid-term elections in the US , which renew part of the Legislative Assembly, will serve as a test to measure the popularity of a president, Democrat Joe Biden, who currently has control of both Houses, but whose image has begun to fade. They are scheduled for November.

It will depend on those results that Biden opts for re-election in 2024 , since many of his co-religionists consider that his low popularity and his advanced age do not make him a good candidate. In the event that he concurs again, he could also face a more than well-known opponent, the Republican and controversial billionaire Donald Trump, who still leaves the daisy on his political future .

2022 will also be electoral year in Brazil , with far-right Jair Bolsonaro competing in October for his re-election with the leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who has not yet confirmed his candidacy to return to the Presidency after his stay in prison. With a country completely divided between both candidates and especially shaken by the pandemic, the electoral appointment can mark a before and after for Brazilians.

Chile will have a new president in March of 2022 and will be the leftist Gabriel Boric, who overwhelmingly won in the elections of the 19 December to his rival, the far-right José Antonio Kast.

Boric comes to power with a mandate seriously conditioned, since it will have to lead a political process between two constitutional systems.

Colombia will also plunge into a double electoral process next year : in March of a legislative nature (to which the parties will arrive amid internal divisions) and in May to elect a president among more than a dozen candidates, a position currently held by the right-wing Iván Duque.

On the other side of the world, the focus is on Filipi nas, involved in a complex electoral process with some no less picturesque candidates: Sara Duterte-Carpio (daughter of the current president, the controversial Rodrigo Duterte, whom some organizations accuse of having committed a multitude of political abuses); and Ferndinand “Bongbong” Marcos, first-born of dictator Ferdinand Marcos. A third contender for the Presidency is boxing legend Manny Pacquiao, Duterte’s former ally and current political rival. The result will be known in May.

These processes and some others show the rise that the extreme right and populism are taking in different parts of the world, in its different aspects: the United States with Trump, Brazil and Bolsonaro, Hungary with Viktor Orban, Poland with Andrzej Duda, the Philippines with their family clans and now Chile, among others, with movements that are also gaining ground in Spain, France or Italy, among others.

Meanwhile, the left, in some cases criticized for its lack of attachment to democratic values, adds to its traditional fiefdoms of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba, Bolivia, others such as Honduras or Peru.

The pandemic and economic recovery

There is no doubt that these political processes and many others will be highly conditioned by the evolution of the world economy after the halt caused by the pandemic almost two years ago.

The institutions responsible for fiscal policy, such as l The Federal Reserve of the US, the European Central Bank and those of Russia, China, India or Japan, will have to decide whether to continue propping up the economy with stimulus measures at a time when the expected recovery is faltering , spurred by the appearance of new virus outbreaks, as well as the energy and supply crisis unleashed worldwide .

The labor shortage or the unexpected rise in inflation , at historical levels in many Western countries, will also influence this expected recovery .

And economic instability could continue to provoke movements and social protests such as those seen in these months around the world, featuring those most affected by the global closure.

New summits and new doubts about its format

If the pandemic affected multilateral relations at all, it was undoubtedly by altering the form of communication tion among world leaders that, as in many other sectors, has gone from being face-to-face to virtual.

In 2022 Summits will continue to be held , such as the NATO summit scheduled in Spain for next June (with the crisis with Russia as a backdrop), the Ibero-American summit, in the Dominican Republic before the end of the year , that of the Americas, somewhere in the US and still undated, which aims to have immigration as its axis, that of the Oceans in July in Lisbon, that of the G – 20 in Bali (Indonesia) in October or, culturally, also in October, but without a defined date, the IX Congress of the Spanish Language in Arequipa (Peru).

The G7, with the most powerful countries in the world, will be led by Germany, although without the charismatic Chancellor Angela Merkel, while the The EU will continue to hold at least two summits of heads of Government with an agenda that promises to be broad: fight against the coronavirus, economic stoppage , illegal immigration, Brexit fringes, legal clashes with some Eastern countries, etc.

The world will also be pending next year for the health of great personalities who have suffered by some ailment in 2021 , such as Pope Francis or Queen Elizabeth II, who will celebrate their Platinum Jubilee, their 70 anniversary as British queen.

And of the geostrategic movements of the great powers: China and the US , with this perpetual struggle for world hegemony, together with Russia and its satellites, with underlying conflicts such as the European Union-Belarus crisis, the tensions between Moscow and Ukraine, the conflict in Tigray (Ethiopia), the situation of Taiwan and the territorial claims on the island by Beijing, which also yearns to take positions in the Pacific.

The large migrations around the world , aggravated by the pandemic; respect for human rights -especially of the LGTBI collective or gender equality-; the fight against climate change and poverty or the regulation of modern social networks are issues that will also, almost certainly, continue to occupy the attention in that unpredictable 2022 .

This also interests you:

– President Biden says his biggest goal right now is to fight inflation

– Millions of dollars to ease inflation Port congestion and contribute to the supply chain

– The poor, the sick and the forgotten in the mind of the Pope Francis at Christmas