Saturday, September 21

Close to goodbye? They assure that Cristiano Ronaldo is already building his retirement mansion

El futbolista Cristiano Ronaldo está de regreso en Inglaterra.
Soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo is back in England.

Photo: Alex Livesey / Getty Images

The Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo , from 36 years and who is considered one of the best in the world, would already be building his retirement home , which he would go to once he announced his goodbye from soccer.

According to information from various Portuguese media, Georgina Rodríguez’s heartthrob would have chosen the exclusive Quinta da Marinha, on the Portuguese Riviera , as your ideal place to move in and thus be able to enjoy a new life away from the floodlights and the hustle and bustle.

So far it is unknown how his future home will be, the only thing that is known is that he disbursed about $ 9.2 million dollars for the lot where it will be built.

“The land was recently fenced and was bought by Ronaldo. This is where you will come to live with your family when you finish your degree. Everybody around here knows it and of course we are happy. Ronaldo is Ronaldo ”, declared one of the future residents of CR7 in an interview with TV7 Dia.

Although the inhabitants of the luxurious neighborhood are already anxiously waiting for its new resident, the newspaper Correo da Manha, considered one of the most prestigious in Portugal, pointed out that the acquisition of the lot was not for the purpose of building a retirement home , but it would be a simple investment .

In addition to this new mansion, which will surely be one of the most spectacular in the area, the current Manchester United footballer owns one more in Lisbon, for which he paid, in 2019, about $ 8 million dollars ; as well as another one in Madrid, an extra one in Madeira, which attracts attention because it extends over seven floors, and one more in Gerês, north of Portugal.

Currently lives in a very nice residence in the city of Manchester, whose estimated market value is $ 4.1 million.

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