Saturday, September 21

Spain registers a new record of Covid 19 infections; Announce the use of mandatory outdoor mask

Gobierno español aseguró que, pese al violento incremento de contagios, el ritmo de hospitalizaciones aún es relativamente bajo.
Spanish Government assured that, despite the violent increase in infections, the rate of hospitalizations is still relatively low.

Photo: Alvaro Calvo / Getty Images


For: EFE

Spain registered for the third consecutive day a new maximum of coronavirus infections with 72, 911 positive, which increased by 127 points accumulated incidence, up to 800 cases for each 100, 00 0 inhabitants in 14 days.

To try to stop the advance of the pandemic, from tomorrow the use of the mask abroad will be mandatory throughout Spain.

According to data from the Ministry of Health this Thursday, this exponential and uncontrolled increase in the pandemic is not having an abrupt impact on hospital pressure on the floor, with an occupancy of 6.4%, and in the Units s of Intensive Care (ICU), where its increase continues, although slow, until today it stands at 16. 2% occupancy.

According to Health data, the highest incidents by region are in Navarra (1, 750), Basque Country (1, 495) and La Rioja (1, 606)

, both neighbors in the north of Spain, followed by the Community of Madrid (1, 284).

As the pandemic advances at a dizzying rate, it also increases vaccination, since 90% of the population greater than 13 years is vaccinated with the full schedule, and now the effort is to give the older ones the booster dose.

They already have it on years and the 67% of people who have between 60 Y 69.

Catalonia imposes a “curfew” for festivities

A court in Spain authorized this Thursday the reinstatement of a curfew, which limits meetings to a maximum of 10 people in a wide area of ​​the Spanish region of Catalonia, as a measure to stop the escalation of infections by Covid – 17 in this European country.

The Catalan regional government had asked the judicial authorization to apply this curfew, which will be in force for two se manas and with hours of 01: 00 to 04: 00 hours in 126 municipalities with incidence greater than 250 for each 100 thousand inhabitants, including Barcelona and other towns in the metropolitan area of ​​Spain.

According to the newspaper El País, the Spanish court endorsed the capacity reduction to 70% in religious and civil acts, and maintains the use of the Covid passport – 19 to all residents and foreigners . This measure adds to the closure of nightlife venues and the reduction to 50% of restaurant capacity.

The measures imposed by the government of Catalonia and endorsed by this court in Spain seek to reduce the growth of infections from the sixth wave of the pandemic, which this Thursday set a new record in Catalonia with 13 thousand new positive cases by Covid – 19 registered in the Latest 50 hours.

Read more:

Ecuador makes vaccination against COVID mandatory – 17 due to the increase in infections by Ómicron

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