Friday, September 20

The United States cleans the wall works on the border with Mexico

Muro fronterizo en la zona de La Joya, Texas.
Border wall in the area of ​​La Joya, Texas.

Photo: Brandon Bell / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion

Almost a year after President Joe Biden took office and ordered the suspension of construction work of the wall on the border with Mexico , Customs and Border Protection received authorization to begin cleaning construction sites.

The works include installing drainage systems, erosion control, stabilizing slopes, construction and improvement of access roads and removal of construction materials that will no longer be used.

In addition, spaces that are still open will be closed of construction work; Incomplete gates will also be completed, including those for storm drainage that are inoperative.

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of National Security, indicated in a statement that the construction projects started by the Department of Defense in the Border Patrol sectors in California, Arizona and parts of Texas, are now in the hands of his agency, which will address concerns in environmental and security matters.

He added that the Biden administration stands by in its petition to Congress that the remaining funds for the border wall left over from the previous government be canceled; Instead, he asks for technology and other measures to be financed, which in his eyes are more effective than the wall. Still it is unclear when cleanup works will begin.

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