Friday, September 20

Tik Tok is the most popular website in the world, surpassing Google

Tik Tok es la red social más popular del mundo
Tik Tok is the most popular social network in the world

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

Alexa Liendo

The application Tik Tok, the one that has become popular for short videos, dances and recipes, in addition to being the most downloaded app in the world , now became the internet domain with the most traffic this 2021 . Even above the domain Google and Facebook.

This was announced by the technology company CloudFare by highlighting in a list of the ten most popular domains, which Tik Tok is ranked 1, followed by Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple.

Statistics show that even on precise dates, such as Thanksgiving or Black Friday, where Google always takes the lead, this 2021 the application of short videos took the lead in the ranking.

If we compare it with The numbers of 2020, Tik Tok only reached 7th place, with Google and Facebook being the first.

Tik Tok has been permanently ahead since August and since then its dominance among users has been consecutive.

At the same time it was possible to know data on the income generated by Tik Tok , of course, without competing with video game apps, and it also leads the rankings of this one 2021.

According to Sensor Tower, in an analysis made on global application consumption, Tik Tok, the ByteDance platform “exceeded 3. 000 million dollars of lifetime earnings at the beginning of 2021 ”. The first 11 months of 2021, Tik Tok scored 2. 000 million dollars of revenue.

And it seems that Tik Tok continues to work to stay in that position of popularity and remain the favorite of users networks, in fact, has lengthened the duration of its videos, has connected with artists of the musical medium to allow them to promote their music and connect with fans.

And for 2022, it is rumored that Tik Tok comes with streaming, with content streaming, mainly with games.

And it comes with more, Tik Tok Kitchen is the new launch of this platform, it is a network of restaurants only for home delivery throughout the United States. It should be noted that Tik Tok has become the star social network for recipe videos.

Profits from the sales of Tik Tok Kitchen are intended to support precisely all those creators of recipes and menus on the platform.

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