Friday, October 4

Donald Trump appeals to the Supreme Court to hide documents of the assault on the Capitol

Donald Trump busca impedir que documentos del asalto al Capitolio lleguen al comité de investigación.
Donald Trump seeks to prevent documents from the assault on the Capitol from reaching the investigation committee.

Photo: Michael Zarrilli / Getty Images


For: EFE

Former US President Donald Trump (2017 – 2021) filed an appeal to the Court this Thursday Supreme Court to keep hidden some documents about the assault on the Capitol of last January 6, in which five people died.

Trump wants to prevent the US National Archives, which has custody of these documents, from turning them over to the House committee investigating the event .

The exact content of these documents is unknown , but supposedly these are emails, draft speeches, and visitation logs that could reveal what exactly happened at the White House during the assault on the Capitol and the days surrounding that event.

In their appeal, Trump’s attorneys defend that he “is not just any citizen” and that, as former president, he enjoys special rights recognized in the doctrine of “executive privilege”, which which means that certain information cannot be disclosed without his permission.

Trump, however, is no longer president, so so far all Judges who have considered the case have determined that he no longer enjoys that “executive privilege.”

If there is no judicial intervention, former President Trump will suffer irreparable damage “, alleges his legal team in the

The case dates back to early October, when US President Joe Biden authorized the National Archives to release the documents to the committee investigating the assault.

A few days later, the 18 in October, Trump filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington DC, but in November a judge of that instance ruled against him.

Trump’s lawyers appealed that ruling and went to the appeals court of the District of Columbia, which also dismissed the recall, making the Supreme Court their last option.

The Supreme Court is composed of nine judges , of which six are considered conservative and three progressive. Additionally, Trump named three of the conservatives: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

The committee reclaiming the documents was created by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and is made up of a majority of Democratic congressmen, although there are two Republican members -Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger- who are at odds with Trump.

Your mission is to investigate why the assault occurred, who was responsible and what can be done to prevent another similar event.

For that purpose , has requested access to previously secret documents , such as those of Trump, and has summoned former members of his government to testify, including the controversial ideologue and his former adviser Steve Bannon, who refused to testify and has been charged with criminal contempt.

On January 6, some 04, 000 people -most Trump sympathizers- marched to the Capitol and some 800 broke into the building to prevent Biden’s victory over Trump from being ratified in the November elections of 2020.

It may interest you:

– The Biden administration will commemorate the assault on the Capitol, one of the worst crises in the US

– Trump loses in court his attempt to hide documents from the White House on the invasion of the Capitol

– The committee on the assault on the Capitol accuses in contempt of former Trump adviser, Mark Meadows