Thursday, September 19

What gift cards are the best option when it comes to wanting to give one

Las tarjetas de regalo fueron adoptadas por primera vez por los grandes almacenes en la década de 1930.
Gift cards were first adopted by department stores in the decade of 1930.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

For: Luis Diaz

Gift cards are probably one of the best options for this Christmas season. Probably, this type of option simplifies the delivery of physical gifts, reducing the need to worry about the tastes of the person who will be given the present.

Those who opt for this gift strategy should consider that not all gift cards are the same despite their functionality and practical form, since points must be considered that have to do with which brands sell them, which products offer, where can go for the products the recipients .

In addition, it is important that people who intend to give a gift card are clear that these are not the same as prepaid cards. Even though they are often displayed side by side in stores, gift cards and prepaid cards are different


Gift cards are designed to be used only until the original balance is depleted. Prepaid cards, on the other hand, are rechargeable and designed to serve the same purpose as a checking account with a debit card. Prepaid cards also have many different fees associated with them.

E-gift cards are great options for giving. Electronic gift cards have been gaining ground in recent years, so the increase in mobile functionality aims to encourage greater use of such products this holiday season. Therefore, it is recommended that people who intend to give this gift take it into account.

Based on these characteristics, Wallethub, a site specialized in finance personal, released a list of the best gift card options for all occasions and which are especially recommended for this Christmas season.

Most Recommended Gift Cards




Old Navy






American Express

Google Play

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