Friday, September 20

The 2 zodiac signs that will undergo a transformation in 2022-2023, according to astrologers

Tauro y Virgo sentirán una profunda transformación en el próximo ciclo de eclipses del 2022 y 2023.
Taurus and Virgo will feel a profound transformation in the next eclipse cycle of 2022 Y 2023.

Photo: Eric Ward / Unsplash

Astrologers have predicted that two zodiac signs are destined to undergo a “great transformation” in the next two years and say that the culprits will be the eclipses that will occur in the cycle 2022 – 2023.

Eclipses align with full and new moons, projecting their Shadow on Earth or our planet shades the Moon, depending on whether it is a solar or lunar eclipse. These phenomena in astrology enhance the energy of the moon eliminating what no longer works in our life and accelerate what is destined to happen.

As the next eclipse cycle occurs on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, it means that these two zodiacal signs will be the ones that intensely experience this energetic shock , so astrologers have told The reason is because, astrologically, the north node will be aligned with Taurus in the 2022 and the south node with Scorpio, which has not happened since November from 2004.

Taurus rules love, beauty and money, while Scorpio rules sex, passion and psyche. These themes will be the ones that, collectively, will undergo a transformation.

How will Taurus and Scorpio feel about the changes?

Both zodiac signs will feel as if their life is “reset” in some way, as if it is the software of a computer, astrologers exemplified. Maybe an area of ​​your life like work or your love life will undergo a radical change, either way, means inevitable growth .

Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs, that is, appreciate stability, security and are used to being in control of everything . For this reason, the changes can be difficult for both, mainly, those that come in the following years because they do not have the power to control them.

In this sense, the recommendation of astrologers is to get rid of that need to drive without neglecting your goals . Another tip is to visualize what changes they might experience in the next eclipse cycle and trust that it will be the best for them.

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