Friday, September 20

UEFA asks all players to get vaccinated



The president of the UEFA , Aleksander Ceferin , asked all players to get vaccinated against COVID – 19 , request that the agency will reinforce with a video to promote vaccination and reduce the risk of infection.

“It is a personal choice, but my opinion is that they get vaccinated as soon as possible. All the figures show that with the vaccine there is less chance of getting infected. I believe in science and I have. We must explain things. People are not stupid and I think that, if not all, the vast majority will understand, ”he said.

Following the UEFA Executive Committee meeting this Thursday, the last of the year, Ceferin said he was “ proud of the union of European football – clubs, leagues, federations, fans and the media – ” and he was convinced that he will emerge stronger from the current crisis.

UEFA president Aleksander Ceferin has urged players across Europe to get vaccinated as soon as possible against COVID – 19 but said it was still a personal choice, for now. UEFA is set to launch a video aimed at players featuring doctors •• READ MORE: b

— GhanaTalksRadio (@GhanaTalksRadio) December 16, 2021

“It has been a very hard year, almost two, with challenges that we could not imagine we were going to have to face. Despite the difficult situation due to COVID and everything else, European football will be stronger in the future ” , he commented.

Ceferin explained the decisions adopted by the Executive Committee, such as relative to the candidatures of the European Cups 2028 Y 2032, a process that will take place in parallel and that next March plans to study the declarations of interest received for both editions, with the intention of making a decision in September and 2023.

⚽️ UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin, asked all players to get vaccinated against covid – 19 , request that the agency will reinforce with a video to promote vaccination and reduce the risk of infection.

– Todo Goles Radio (@TodoGolesRadio) December 16, 2021

Also, in line with the general rule change adopted last summer , approved the abolition of the rule of the double value of away goals for the Nations League play-offs 2020 / 21 to be played in March of 2022 and for those of the Eurocup sub – 21 to be played in September.

The executive gave the green light to a new Soccer Sustainability Strategy 2030, in collaboration with the different parts of European football, so that it acts as a vehicle for environmental protection and received an update on the Financial Fair Play regulation and the need to review it in the face of the effects of the pandemic.

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