Saturday, September 28

Host of 'Hoy' is hospitalized and alarms her fellow program members

Megan Negrete

The program “Today” does not go through a good run after the scandals and unexpected events do not stop, and that is after the scandal they lived with the bickering over Galilee Montijo on his possible links with drug trafficking in addition to his relationship with his friend, Inés Gómez Mont, this time the morning of Televisa received alarming news.

And it is that the famous production that already takes more than 20 years on the air took a tremendous surprise after a publication worried them too much by one of their most controversial collaborators, as it revealed that she was hospitalized, which immediately caused endless speculation about his state of health.

In front of her thousands of followers, the host of the Televisa morning, Martha Figueroa, uploaded a photo on Instagram in which she posed from a hospital bed, reason enough for him to be absent from the r recent television broadcasts.

Results that the expert in show business and host of ‘Hoy’, Martha Figueroa shared an image in which reported that she had to be operated on due to a health complication. He also thanked all the support he has received in these difficult moments.

In the image we can see the presenter of Con Permiso lying on a bed , apparently, before being operated on. The driver posed with a mask and a hospital gown.

Before the publication of the photograph, several hosts of the Hoy program sent all their support to Martha Figueroa. They also wished him a speedy recovery and return to the morning broadcasts , a place of which he is a fundamental part.

One of the first to express her joy For such important news was Andrea Legarreta , Hoy’s star host, who immediately told her that he is waiting for her on the most watched morning on open television in Mexico .

“I’m so glad to know. You will be back soon! I love you ”, wrote the brand new host of the morning.

Other celebrities who were present in the publication were Tania Rincón and Raúl “Negro” Araiza , who wished her the best and were happy to know that everything is going well, since they have been collaborating with her for a long time, especially Araiza, since she She has encountered her in various projects on the San Ángel television station.

It should be remembered that Figueroa is not one of the most beloved communicators in entertainment, as she has involved in various conflicts for the information he has shared about various celebrities both from film, television and theater, which have even earned him some lawsuits against him.

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