Monday, September 30

VIDEO: Eden Muñoz from Caliber 50 confesses that he has COVID-19

Megan Negrete

To the member of Caliber 50 it rains on wet in this 2021, and it is that this time Eden Muñoz announced through its social networks that it is positive for Covid 19, , the leader of the group, stated that after having some minor symptoms, he underwent several tests to corroborate the diagnosis.

The artist recorded a video in which he looks ill and described how it was the moment when he found out about the news that he feared so much and that he had taken care of and taking precautions.

“Through this video I want to inform you that unfortunately this morning here at all of you I began to experience some symptoms that are very similar to Covid” , he says at the beginning of the publication, unleashing the concern of his fans who questioned how he is.

Later he expressed that the first thing he felt was an itch in his throat, it was at that moment that he knew that things were no longer good “When breathing if he felt an itch in the breast that I had already experienced before, due to this situation I went to do not one but three tests for Covid of the antigens in three different laboratories and all three came out positive. ”

He said that when performing the PCR test he also corroborated the contagion, he confessed that one of his great concerns is the health of Emilio and Matías, his two children, it should be noted that a few months ago one of them had complications.

“I have concern for my children, especially for what Matías experienced, for Emilio for my wife ”, reiterated that he has minor symptoms such as headache and severed body.

He mentioned that he has always been promised to his audience, but now it will be impossible to fulfill the events that he had planned for the next few days “some events are going to be canceled, it would be best to cancel or postpone the events for later, to safeguard my health and especially yours ”.

The reason you avoided photos with your fans that didn’t work

Muñoz announced through his social networks that at the moment She will no longer take photos with anyone for her little baby Matías , because a few weeks ago she was in the hospital struggling between life and death as a result of damage to her lungs, now will take care of every detail so as not to contract a virus that could make your child sick.

“I tell you about the photos, not taking photos of us is not out of bad vibes, I tell them that it is because I am afraid of catching Covid and bringing Covid home right now that my child is sick, I hope they understand me, and the fact of coming and working with all my heart I tell them I am putting everything my effort, but if the photos and the contact because of the scare we went through scares me ”, said in his official accounts.

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