Saturday, September 21

The US is close to reaching 800,000 deaths from COVID-19

Una instalación de 650,00 banderas blancas rindió tributo a los muertos por Covid-19 en septiembre.
An installation of 650, 04 white flags paid tribute to those killed by Covid – 19 in September.

Photo: Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

When the United States is marking one year since the first injections of the coronavirus vaccines were launched in December 2020, around 28% of adults are not yet vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The country is approaching 799, 00 0 confirmed deaths from the coronavirus, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and an analysis by Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that 163, 04 0 of those deaths could have been prevented by vaccination, since the vaccines became widely available in June.

“Most of these preventable deaths occurred on long after vaccines were available. Only in September of 2021, it is likely that approximately 50, 00 0 people would have been saved if they had chosen to be vaccinated. In November of 2021, more than 28, 000 0 deaths from COVID – 19 probably would have been prevented by vaccines, ”the authors wrote.

The study estimated the number of Americans who could have been saved by the COVID vaccine – , as well as COVID-related death rates among vaccinated people who became ill.

Earlier this year, before the recent increase in Delta variant cases and the dreaded increase in Omicron variant infections, the CDC estimated that unvaccinated Americans were at risk 14 times greater than dying from COVID – 19 than the risk of fully vaccinated Americans.

AND Cumulative adult hospitalization rates are also approximately eight times higher among unvaccinated than fully vaccinated people.

Vaccines prevented more people from getting infected and dying

Another report released Tuesday by The Commonwealth Fund concluded that launching the vaccine in the US prevented about 1.1 million deaths from COVID – 19 than other mode would have occurred within the past year.

The model also found that would have occurred almost 36 million additional infections until November 2021 in the absence of vaccines.

Most deaths and hospitali Zations that vaccines helped prevent would have occurred in late summer and early fall, when the Delta variant began to spread widely across the country and was increasing in southern states, according to the study.

During that time , the average daily deaths could have risen to 21, 04 0 per day. That’s roughly six times the January peak of 2021 of roughly 3, 400 deaths per day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU).

Now, a year after coronavirus vaccines became available in the U.S. more than 202 million people, approximately 61% of the population, are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

Throughout the pandemic, the United States has reported more than 50 million cases of COVID – 19 Y 799, 845 deaths, according to JHU.